Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weekend Update!

This past weekend was another packed weekend for Adam and I. Adam and I had a date night on Saturday and once again I let Adam choose the flick. Now for those of you who do not know Adam he could be the worst judge of movies I have ever seen...well besides my friend Edwina apparently. Anyway, I on the other hand, love movies and well I like to think of myself as a very good judge as well...Moral of the story..DO NOT RENT 88 MINUTES...seriously it is real bad...not to mention, is anyone noticing that the older we get the less we can keep our eyes open during a movie? I mean papa, my dad's dad falls asleep but he's 84!!! Anyway it was bad and I fell asleep, and that was "date night Adam cooked a really good meal though...he has become quite the chef...:O)

Saturday was packed, but the most exciting was John's impromptu wedding and Chris's Cosby Sweater party!

John Petrini a good friend of both and Adam and I got married to a wonderful girl on Saturday at the Little Chapel of the West. I had never been to one of those chapels, We got to throw rice and everything ! It was actually really nice..and I am starting to think Adam and I should have done that...Can you imagine how much money we would have saved!

Saturday night was a Chris's 30th birthday but the best part was that the theme was "The Cosby Sweater Party" Anyway, Everyone was a wearing a sweater some more hideous than most. Edwina went with me to Savers (my favorite store) and scouted some sweaters with me. Boy did we find some good ones...As you can see i went for a more "Claire Hucstable" notice the clip on gold earrings...Edwina's idea! hahaha

My Claire sweater and Adam's Cosby Sweater!
Dawnya and I

Dawnya baked this cake! hahah Baker...funny ..
Yeah his sweater was awesome!

Chris is 30! and in that sweater...yep

Tre, Joe, Sister, and Me

The Airshow!

Me and the Rocket Launcher

Joe and Tre...we thought they were gonna pose but instead they did this:O)

Sister and her rocket launcher!



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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