Saturday, December 10, 2011

na na na na na NA NA...NA NA....They say it's your birthday...

Happy Birthday  P.E.


Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birrthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear P.E./Edwinaaaaaa,
Happy Birthday to You!!!!

Everyone please join me in wishing photographer extraordinaire a Happy Birthday! You all know her so I thought I would share her day with you.

Thank you P.E. for being such an amazing friend. Who would have thought we would be best friends for over 18 years!!! From our first orchestra trip back in 1995. I will never forget your sega you had on the bus, when I busted out my black and white game boy and PRETENDED that Tetris was sooo much more fun than disc man was sooo much cooler than your one disc Boom, mega skip cd player...from laughing our butt off when we drove away from sonic not realizing the tray was still on our your Pontiac Le Mans, which by the end of sophomore year turned into an E Man...haha
You were in the army, and I was back here going to wrote every week and we never lost touch...time flew by and there you were right there for me when my mom passed.
We always tell our friends "I will always be there for you, whenever you need me" and boooy did I need you...Thank you
Thank you for taking care of my babies (animal babies that is) You are an amazing auntie...and one day when I have REAL babies..haha you can watch them too..haha...ok I will simmer...this year was filled with so many firsts for you, and I am so thankful I was able to be there for so many..2012 will be an amazing year for you, I know more NONSENSE and more firsts...

Happy Birthday P.E.



  1. Happy Birthday:) Cheers to a wonderful one!


  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day!

  4. Awww, best friends are SO special! Happy Birthday, PE!

  5. Awwww...Happy Birthday PE!! Have a great tme! I love when you scream in the background WANT IT! LOVE IT! while Shana describes her amazing finds =)

  6. Happy birthday, P.E. Edwina!!!!
    So happy that the two of you have each other. Best friends are such a precious gift. Hope your next year is full of more fun, funny, and amazing memories!

  7. Happy Birthday P.E.!!! You guys are so amazing, true friendship is a treasure and a blessing! It's delightful to come here and be a part of your very sensed nonsense :) Thank you both for sharing this joy!
    Good luck!

  8. I'm a little late but Happy Birthday PE! Not that Shana isn't awesome but the blog is WAY better with you around. (Sorry Shana, we've seen your photography...) Hope your birthday celebration was amaze-balls!

  9. Wow! Thank you all for the birthday love ladies! I am shocked of all the the love since I do not have a blog but own a 2% share of Colorblind. I appreciate the recognition received through Colorblind. Shana is an amazing person and that reflects in her fabulous followers. We love you all- seriously!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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