Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The sun and a new dress

Outfit Details
Dress: Birthday gift from a special friend!! Thank you!!
Wedges: Marshalls (only $15!)
Hamsa coral beaded necklace: Brandy Melville USA
Beaded bracelet: Zion National Park Gift Shop
Straw Clutch: Thrifted Savers

The sun is out of control. We tried to take pictures and this is what we got...still learning about lighting and lenses this SUN is not helping..haha I was also sweating...I see everyone getting ready for Fall including me in my last thirfting trip sadly stuffing all of the jackets and sweaters in the back of the closet knowing I won't see them for at least a couple of months...At least I can try and wear all of the things I didn't get to wear. I have so many dresses that I just don't wear because of I am determined to wear them ALL. I love this one in particular...made me feel very sweet and know...cuz I'm not sweet or girly...haha I realized how that sounded after I said it. I also love these wedges I got at Marshalls. I was never a wedge girl..and now...that is all I want to wear...maybe it's cuz my feet hurt all of the time...I am also in the market for some wedge boots...ok that is my rant for the day. Thank you to all for your messages and comments about our short film! we have submitted to more festivals so I am excited!! See you a dress...that I haven't worn.... 

P.S. Praying for those who are or will be affected by the ridiculous storm that is coming...I am always thankful for our weather even when the heat it too much to take...


  1. Love the look, those shoes compliment that dress perfectly and a nice touch w/ the toe nails and simple details

  2. Such a cute dress and a great peice to work into fall! Supa cute! Stopping in from WIWW!

    Sheena @ A Girl's Guide to Retail Therapy

  3. love the clutch and the bracelet! You're so pretty here :)) Come and check out my blog maybe we can follow each other :)

  4. Wow, that dress was a pretty good gift!

  5. Love it all!! The dress is gorgeous and the shoes are awesome!!

  6. Everything about that outfit is "cute and girly". I caught 'wedge fever' too this summer. How many pairs do you have?

  7. You look ravishing babe!
    I love the clutch <3

  8. you look very pretty~~~
    i really love the dress and the wedges!!!



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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