Thursday, October 11, 2012

All Dressed Up and Nothing to Show for it

Outfit Details
T-Shirt: Old Navy
Tuxedo Pants: Banana Republic last years Sale $15!!!
Vintage Dooney: Thrifted Dress for Success
Vintage Scarf: Dinosaurs and Roses
Jewelry: Thrifted, Vintage, F21, Gifted (You can't see it so it doesn't matter! haha)
Watch: My Polar FT 40 that I forgot to take off! 
Flats: Marshalls (LOVE THESE SHOES, they were $10!)
You may remember these shoes from this Thrifters Anonymous Post to Marshalls!

Hi. I was going to just not post these pics cuz they weren't the best...not my hubby's fault...we were running late for our date night and a play..and we literally missed the sun by 2 minutes...DARK. I was annoyed as you can tell in the second picture where I am basically looking at him like..umm really...can you even see me? haha No worries, I will be wearing these pants all of Fall, and these flats...which you rarely see me in. I'm also busting out my dark there ya outfit post....The thunder last night kept me up and the rain is keeping me in...something so comforting about rain...anyway...Have a wonderful Thursday!



  1. This is a gorgeous outfit!


  2. Aw man, I know how you feel! I get really disappointed when I miss the sun or it starts raining out of nowhere!

    The pictures look fine though!

    -Stephanie from Chocolate Laced

  3. Very good design, and you look like so gorgeous. I like you very much.
    discount shoes

  4. That is really nice.. you really look great and very smart.. have you ever tried wearing a tuxedo t-shirt ? I think it would look nice on you


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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