Friday, October 05, 2012

Beast Mode and Biceps

Outfit Details
Workout Capris: Marshalls
Shoes: Addidas Las Vegas Premium Outlets
Socks: I get all of my workout socks at Marshalls!
Necklace: F21
Watch: Polar FT40 Heartratemonitorsusa

Once again my hubby insisted we take outfit pictures of my workout clothes...he's been asking me why I hadn't posted them and to be honest..I wasn't sure if you guys even cared about what I was wearing to workout. Do you? haha anyway These are for you Husband...tons of workout pictures :O) haha my embarrassing bicep flex...I swear it looks bigger when I am in the gym! 

As most of you know I am obsessed with MCA tanks...I have 3 now...and I wear them constantly...I can't say enough about how comfortable they are to workout in, and I always get a nice laugh or compliment...While I am a thrifter workout clothes are hard to find...and well, some things are hard to thrift...but Marshalls always has great deals..and these capris were originally $50 and I paid $ can't beat it..I know..I sound like a broken record...but such great deals! Right now they are bringing in their full line of workout clothes for Fall and Winter...My new Zebra pants will make an appearance real soon ;O)

If you guys want to get your hands on some MCA tops, shorts, or anything in between you can use this code  FBFAN2012 to get 20%...cuz let's face it...I NEVER pay full price for anything :O) You can also follow them on facebook for Pre-order sales!

Have a wonderful weekend and let's hope next week I can actually post pics of what I am wearing when I am actually wearing it!



  1. You look like a beast! lol. You look great..I am a new follower of yours. Btw I love your Halloween video..too cute.

  2. So cute! GO GO BEAST MODE :)

  3. I like that shirt-- I want one now.. reminds me of this song by B.O.B. that I like that's called "Beast Mode".. haha! We don't have a Marshalls' but I'm going to check out the local TJ Maxx to see if they have cute workout gear!



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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