Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween: Haute Shots Style

Visit Haute Shots Blog HERE 

So I contemplated sharing these pictures with you guys...I mean...most of you know I am the Haute Shots fact most of you voted for me! but I am still getting comfortable with my body and sharing it with the world..I mean lets face it..I have literally been working my butt off..and Stacie has really helped me feel comfortable..I still need some work...but I am loving this journey..for sure...We had some fun for Halloween last month and I loved how they turned out...I mean let's face it...most Halloween Costumes are what we call "slutty" anyway...haha I mean you can't be a regular would look ridiculous! haha 

Wishing everyone a safe Halloween....and sending love to all of my friends and family and Internet friends on the East Coast...will update pics of my sis and I tonight on my instagram at colorblindblog....we shall see how our costumes turn out...NO I am not going as a pirate..or a cat haha ;O)

Don't forget to enter my Halloween Contest HERE for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate to SAVERS!!!
Link up your costumes, upload to my facebook page here or email them to me at and I will choose the top 3 winners and have all of you vote on your favorite!!!! So get to linking...or emailing...


  1. You looked adorable! I love that I am on this journey with you! We all need to figure out ways to feel good about ourselves and our bodies, and this whole process really seems to help. It did for me anyway, and for many of my clients.

    By the way, my Halloween outfit was way too short so I had to find something cute to go underneath it. Guess where I bought the undies? Marshall's! I layered black and hot pink. It was super cute! I also picked up a matching pair of shoes there for it!

  2. Beautiful pictures!

    Happy Halloween!



  3. Amazing! You look amazing! I love fun, sexy costumes for Halloween!

  4. You look absolutely gorgeous Shana! This is my new workout inspiration. :-)

    Stacey Kay
    Parlor City Vintage

  5. You look very sexy! But if had those kind of pictures, I bet my husband will tell me just to keep them for his eyes only, hahaha!

    I especially love the 1st pic.

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  6. Holy tamale. You look great woman. Just catching up seeing what has been going on around here. Now I gotta keep working on my fitness.

  7. you should be proud of your body, your figure is amaaaaazing! xx

    Please check out my blog and follow if you like. // @ohsewfashion


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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