Monday, October 29, 2012

Thrifters Anonymous Link Up! Savers Halloween Contest Edition!

The Thrifters Anonymous Member of the week goes to

{Men´s Yves Saint laurent Shirt, 80s belt worn as a necklace, Flea market skirt Denim jacket}

If you have not seen Mis Papelicious you are really missing an incredible women. Stunning in her flea market finds, I recently discovered her blog after she linked up for the first time a few weeks ago! Her style is everything I am...mixing of designer, flea market, and everyday clothing to make a classic vintage style that just screams culture and passion and everything in between. Click on over to her blog and you will see exactly what I am saying!!! If you missed last weeks Thrifters Anonymous you can check it our HERE! Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel where you can go thrifting withe me!

Savers - Good deeds. Great deals.
This weeks Thrifters Anonymous Link Up is Sponsored by SAVERS!!! Get your thrifted Halloween Costume and Link Up and you are entered for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate to Savers...don't worry, some may have Value Village we will take care of ya!!

To Enter:
1. Link up your creative Halloween Costume to this weeks Thrifters Anonymous Link Up and leave a comment below! ( You don't have to have a blog just a picture linked even from your facebook! You can also email me a picture at and I will link it up! )
That is all you gotta do!
Additional Entries:
1. Like Savers on Facebook and leave them a comment that Shana from Colorblind sent you and you are a Thrifters Anonymous Member! Come back to this post and leave a comment that you did this for an additional entry..
2. Like my Facebook page and say hello and let me know why you love being a Thrifters Anonymous Member and what your favorite costume has been! Come back to this post and tell me you did in a separate comment for an additional entry.
3. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel Thrifters Anonymous!Come back to this post and tell me you did in a separate comment for an additional entry.
4. Follow me on Twitter and scream to the world you are a Thrifters Anonymous Member!! Come back to this post and tell me you did in a separate comment for an additional entry.
5. Add the Thrifters Anonymous Button Below to your blog post featuring your Halloween Costume so I know you participated!

Good Luck Everyone!!! and Thank You again! DON'T forget to come back to this post and leave a comment telling me what you did so you are entered! Now here is a quick look at some of my favorite thrifted costumes from Savers...
thrilla Killaz
Thrilla Theodora
Thrilla Edith
I also picked up a costume for Samson and Sophie!
Here is my sister and I with our finds to make our costume this year!

Thank you all for linking up!!!
 Now it is you turn!
 If you have a thrifted item, a sale item, or something you can help others save money or time on from this past week, Link up to Thrifters Anonymous every MONDAY and you will have a chance to be featured! Let's be real folks...who doesn't want to see what others are doing to save money, or even how they are letting their creativity amaze us. Oh and not to mention that it's just a cool club and there are no rules, so I won't punish you if you don't want to post my button...I mean it is anonymous right? Thank you and see you every Monday!

Hi, My Name is {Your Name HERE} I am addicted to Thrifting!
Thrifters Anonymous
Here is how it works...

  • In the "Link it to" section, leave a link to one specific Thrifters Anonymous post from the past week or week prior...doesn't matter...

  • In the "Title" section, tell me what was thrifted cuz you were super excited about your outfit or new couch . An example would be "Thrifted Belt, handmade skirt, & shoes on sale!

  • That's all...and there is no judgement here...everything is worthy...and believe me once you link up you are officially a Thrifters Anonymous Member...FOR EVA..ha ha ok..or as long as I am doing this madness..

  • If you miss the link up or do not have a blog Link up to my facebook and share! I would love to see your finds and meet you!
  • You can also check out my Youtube channel for Hauls, stylings, and more!


  1. Shana I love the costumes that you guys did totally cute. I have liked and followed everything except for the twitter, because I can't get it to go to that link. I will be linking my blog posting up to you on Wed when I post it for Halloween, but I live in Ohio, so I don't know if I have that near me?

  2. Thank you so much.I am so honoured.
    I am following you now everywhere: gooogle follow, blogloving and twitter, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. I would have picked you guys for the most scariest costumes too! Hahaha...Awesome Job!

  4. I liked Savers on facebook. :)

  5. I am subscribed to your youtube channel. :)

  6. Great zombie costumes!

  7. Whoops. Apologies. I submitted before I realized it was a costume contest. You are more than welcome to delete my link since it is related.

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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