Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Staying on track...and keeping balanced

IMG_3210 IMG_3205 IMG_3154 IMG_3164 IMG_3179 IMG_3187
Outfit Details
Top: Thrifted Savers
Skinny Jeans: Marshalls
Booties: Target
Jacket: Marshalls
Watch: Sprout Watches

I find myself a little off balance from time to time. I am sure most of you can relate. but I somehow find myself back on track after a few days. Seems like it is easier now than it was a few years ago...maybe it's because I found out what track I want to be on?Or maybe I am just a little more content with how my life has been planned out. Either feels good. BALANCE on the other hand...I am not sure we can ever really feel like our life is balanced. But I have added some meditation into my routine and even if it is for 10 minutes..I feel balanced...

These pics were taken at the Alamo when we visited San Antonio...we took a ton of pics and I am still a little behind in posting...but it is fun to re live the trip and my outfits...I was never one for pants with color..and I am totally late to the pun intended with the pics haha but I loved these. They might be a little big but they are comfortable and that is all that matter. Oh and the Alamo was Pee Wee Sightings...but lots of history and bravery going on hubby was in heaven....

Mental note...don't mind my ratty unwashed hair, dirty purse and lack of happiness here..I hadn't eaten...haha sometime I laugh when I look at pics...haha I know exactly what I am thinking!

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1 comment

  1. I hear you about balance. It's hard sometimes but thank goodness we find our way back! :-) Love the look btw. Cute pants!



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