Thursday, January 16, 2014

ColorblindFIT: Pull it over and get to work!

Outfit Details
Ruched Neck Pullover: c/o Marshalls
Leggings: Marshalls
Wedge Sneakers: Marshalls
Tank: Thrifted

Well, now that I got my I WANT list out there in the's time to get my ISH together! I was so excited to get the newest ProjectFAB gift box this month...I immediately pulled this pullover out and threw it on! The whole theme around this months box was about new beginnings, resolutions, and continuing to make our current goals a reality. Fitness has been part of my whole life and in the past two years I have taken it to a level I never thought I could go. From muscles on my arms I never knew I bikini competitions and now athletic sponsors....I sometimes feel as though it was all a dream...I have so many dreams for this year but one thing I know is that I am going to keep going because I truly love this life...on my I WANT list I wrote down a few things in fitness I wanted to being YOGA...I had been to a couple of classes and being a classicaly trained ballerina I know me some poses...but this weekend I will be taking a class with friends of mine who are all at different levels..I'm excited to be trying some new things and exploring what my body is capable of. 
KEEP it Fresh..and keep it new...I am one that gets bored really I gotta keep spicing it up...and let's face workout clothes get me so excited I can't wait to leave the house! 

You can check out my latest VLOG below! See what else I got from Marshalls, my back workout, and a quick Trader Joes Haul! Love you guys! and let's kill it this year! 

Some of these items were sponsored by Marshalls and my affiliation with the #projectFAB team! A thank you for supporting me and my sponsors!


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