Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Outfit Details
T-Shirt: Sent to me from 1stPhorm! LOVE
Sports Bra: c/o Marshalls
American Eagle Shorts: c/o Marshalls
Betsey Johnson Sandals: c/o Marshalls
Betsey Johnson Clutch: c/o Marshalls
Bestey Johnson Sunnies: c/o Marshalls

While I was getting ready for our trip to Willow Beach, I grabbed my T-shirt I just cut up from 1stphorm as I was so inspired to go after a few fears of mine...I like to think of myself as adventurous and always down to try something new...but that doesn't take away the fact that I am SCARED CRAPLESS to do most of them...sometimes I am basically forced to do it otherwise I wouldn't be a part of the family trip! I am not sure if it was the shirt that gave me the courage or the meaning behind the company of the shirt...but watching all the incredibly strong and passionate athletes go after their dreams has me filled with energy. 

About a week and a half ago I entered into the 1stPhorm Athlete Search... while they may be looking for an athlete they are also looking for REAL people going after their dreams and inspiring others...funny how it works both ways...When I hear I have inspired one person to start eating clean or do something they were scared to do..I know that I am doing the right thing...because someone inspired me to do the same thing...

This blog started because I was sad...because I missed my mom..and I needed to talk...I didn't know what I would talk about or do but I just did it...and here we are today... I share some of my mothers fashions..the stories of our goals and inspirations, Eat Clean Recipes, Fitness and hopefully lots of insight into who I am... In the hopes of inspiring someone to make their dreams a reality and live that life you have always wanted...

Anyway...back to this weekend and this shirt...I am competing with some pretty awesome people...and if you haven't entered you should...or show all of the +1stPhorm  Athletes some love! You can search on instagram by using the Hashtag #legionofBoom or #1stphorm and you can find me there doing my thang... June is here I can't believe it...let's make the next 12 weeks count...I am loving my new training program and you can follow me along on my Youtube channel ShanaEmily (colorblindfitness)
Also if you wanna know a quick way to start cutting your shirts you can watch my video below! More to come!! xoxo


1 comment

  1. Congratulations both on keeping yourself in such good shape, on your entry into the 1stPhorm Athlete Search. Although Marshalls is a fair distance away from me I'll make a note of their locations. Good luck in the 1stPhorm competition!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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