Friday, September 04, 2015

TKO Cardio

I have been trying so many new things lately and I have been sharing all of it on my Youtube channel but I have been neglecting this here blog and thought I would share some my favorite things that are getting me ready for this years Olympia! If you didn't catch my vlog where I announced my Muscle and Fitness Hers Magazine audition you can check it our HERE, but I was called back and asked to work with the Muscle and Fitness Hers Magazine and Flex Magazine booth at this years Olympia! I did this last year HERE, and it was such an incredible experience! So honored to be a part of it again this year...

So moving on, I have been trying to incorporate some different cardio routines to keep my body guessing...see my body gets all smart on me and starts to expect the same nonsense I do day in and day out... I want to look muscular so I don't want to go and run it all off...therefore...HIIT and high intensity intervals are calling my name... I started BOXING this past week....More to come on can see my first trip HERE..while boxing we were jumping rope and I realized how easy it was to incorporate this in between each set when I am working out...BRILLIANT..and so late to the game I am...haha 

Me in action haha 

My butt was whooped after my shoulder and rear delt exercise the other night...with this mixed in I felt like I was keeping my heart rate up! For some reason this rope just works so much smoother then any I have used...the handles actually twist and it is the perfect length...and well I am sucker for blue if you know me well...haha I have seen this TKO brand at Ross and Marshalls but you can also get it on Amazon HERE!!

My post workout meal was a scoop of 1stphorm IGNITION  I have my own website for 1stphorm now!!! So honored! and 5 ounces of grilled chicken and broccoli slaw....I show you guys my workout and meal in an upcoming VLOG so make sure oyu are subscribed to my Health, fitness, and beauty channel!!! 

I am also filming a what is in my gym bag video this weekend so keep a look out for that...and this jump rope goes every where I go... 

So Obviously I didn't do this tonight since my leg is a hot mess if you follow me on Instagram! haha 

Let me know if you like these kinds of blog posts and stay tuned for more!!! 

Have a great weekend!



  1. Congrats on the upcoming gigs! Can't wait to see your gym bag video. I'm restarting my health journey but am serious this time (Finally!). Browsing through old posts here to pick up tips and motivation. Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Wish you all the best for upcoming comments. I am also wanted to write blog kindly guide me if my topic is Whey protein Supplier then what should I do first and how will I create new and unique content on this topic


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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