Sunday, January 24, 2016

My #Transphormation Starts Today: Uploading my before picture

Hi friends! How are you guys doing today? How was your weekend? Thank you all for the birthday wishes I was completely overwhelmed. I had the most amazing weekend with family and friends ..and then this morning I had a FANCY bougie brunch and it was the perfect ending to an amazing weekend! THEN I came home and took my before pictures. Let me just tell you ...the food baby was present and I just snapped the damn picture and said IT IS TIME to get this fluff off my belly and see the progress I have made these past few months! I had a few injuries which basically had me doing ZERO cardio and no upper body... but I was ok...I kept it fairly clean and just kept going...and if I have learned anything consistency is key!! anyway I did it I uploaded the pictures!

Now let's be honest tomorrow my stomach will probably already look better but I am fine with it! I have been working so hard on building some muscle that I am ready to see the progress! I have given my body a break from cutting, a break from certain supplements and it is time to get back on!!! So I thought I would share the process of uploading your before pic and what to do next....what you will see and what you need to do!

Steps to start your transphormation:
1.Upload a before picture holding Your Day 1 Transphormation Cards, like I did above! an essay about your story in 500 words or less, and include the link to your before video that you will put on YouTube. YouTube Account Instructions are available on the site as well! Now you don't need to do a video but I am encouraging you all to do one!! Don't worry about uploading a video if you don't have one yet...for future submissions you can upload it and share it with 1stphorm!
2. Read through the Nutrition Page of the site and select which Nutrition Plan will work best for your lifestyle. You will find some great information and they are adding new info every day!! 
3. Read through the Workout Page of the site and select which Workout will work best for your lifestyle and skill level. I will continue to keep filming my workouts so please let me know if you would like me to focus on anything specific!
4. Read through the Supplement Page of the site and select which supplements will help you reach your goals. Using supplements is not a requirement of this contest, but if you do use supplements to assist in your efforts they have to be 1st Phorm products. Ethically we can’t promote someone’s awesome transphormation if they used other products to help achieve their results. 1sPhorm products can and will help you along your journey but it is important to use them properly! Please email me or leave questions in our Facebook group if you have any!! I can help recommend a starter pack based on your goals. 
5. Invite Your Trainer through the Invite a Trainer link on the left side of the page. Use my email to do this! 
6. Hashtag your posts on social media with #transphormation, #mytransphormation, #mytransphormationstartstoday this is going to help 1stphorm find you!!!
7. Update your My Transphormation Journal (below) as often as you want so they can keep track of your progress including new videos on Youtube!

Make sure you are following me on my Youtube as I will be sharing my journey on there as well! 

JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

Follow me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_, Facebook ShanaEmily, & Youtube ShanaEmily, SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps 

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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