Thursday, May 26, 2016

FindingFaith: Creating sketch books, collage journals, and painting like a child!

Hello friends! Happy Thursday!

This week I thought I would just share a little bit about what I've been up to in my art studio lately. It's all been about just having fun. I've been sketching, finger painting and collaging. It's very therapeutic and has really allowed me to tap into my own artistic intuition. No rules, no expectations, and no attachments to the outcome.

My sketch books and magazine collage journals.

Some collage cards I made

One very helpful resource for me has been  I've been part of a 90 day collage challenge (featured above as vegasartchic) and a 100 day art journaling online class.

Another fun and totally unexpected art process has been what I call my Princess Pretty Face Girls...

It all started on a thrifting excursion with Shana. She happened to find a bunch of dolls she liked, and suddenly I felt like I wanted to draw some doll images. This is totally not within the norm for me as an artist, but apparently my inner child wanted to come out and play! Finally I added my girls to other things I had been experimenting with and this was the result. Circles, flowers, finger paint, paint drips and some repainted thrift store finds all became backgrounds. Top right image is the first drawing I did. Bottom right inspired by an old photo of me with my favorite puppy Sugar, and both left images inspired by images of Shana.
So what is next? I have NO idea, but I'm enjoying my little art therapy time. It's all just a part of the "Finding Faith" process. Until next time!

Creatively yours,



  1. So glad you're back sharing art with us Faith! I used to dabble with magazine collages and then stopped for some reason. What kind of glue do you use when using magazine pages?

    Shana - thanks for including these posts.

  2. Thanks Karla! Sorry for the delayed response, just noticed your question. I actually just use glue sticks. I do find it works best to cover the page and the magazine. When I collage on anything I want to my artwork, I use liquitex matte gel medium. No wrinkles and stays put.


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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