Wednesday, June 15, 2016

We were on the NEWS! #ThriftersAnonmyous Talks Summer Fashion from the Thrift Store in Las Vegas!

Hi friends! NEW VIDEOS are live on our Channel! Part 1 and Part 2 of our haul and weeding process after a long day of Spring Fashion Hunting at Deseret Industries! & guess what? All that fashion ended up on the news!!! I received a call asking me to feature my blog and thrifty fashion when I immediately called Edwina and decided this was going to be a TA moment! We both bring something unique and different and our ideas combined are well..magical in my eyes haha We are SO ready to SPREAD the #Thrifting LOVE across the world..I guess we will settle for Las Vegas! Here are some behind the scenes shots below and Make sure to check out PART 1 & PART 2 on Youtube!


Part 2

When we got there I was so nervous....I mean I LOVE being on television movies all that but for some reason this was so important to us and I wanted to make sure that I was myself and also sharing our creativity!
INSIDE the news room! It was so much fun it felt way to comfortable being in there!

I mean can you imagine...a monthly show or something sharing trends and fun finds for Vegas? Ugh one day friends one day you will see on your TV for will have to be through youtube! haha

Megan Tellis was adorable and made it so comfortable for us! like she was actually listening!!

Edwina was the perfect model and smized her way into everyones hearts while I CONVINCED everyone that belts SHOULD be used as chokers this summer! haha xoxo

So much joy and happiness in one photo!!

We made ourselves at home!!! haha WELCOME!!! Ugh can you imagine?

This dress is from our THRIFT HAUL at Deseret Industries!!! My Vintage Sex in the city Carrie Bradshaw special!

Edwina is also rocking her thrift finds!

Than you all of your love and support I know I keep saying it but it gets us through the day you have no idea!!! 

PLEASE TAKE LOOK at the FULL SEGMENT on channel 13! We want them to know the love we feel and hopefully they will see it and ask us back for more!!!!!!!!!!!

FULL channel 13 The Morning Blend SEGMENT on youtube



MAKE sure you are following us on 
Shana & Edwina



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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