Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Working from home,I put on make up today & returning to blogging

My first year as a mom...and here we are...smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. I like many of you can be found at home trying to manage my NEW routine. Trying to WORK from home, Take care of my now 1 year old little boy, be a wife, be a good senior dog & cat mom to my almost 13 year old lab, 18 & 10 year old cats, fulfill my passions, stay fit, eat nutritious food, enjoy my life, and somehow not freak out about what could or would happen if anyone of my family or friends got sick. 

I joined a wine club so that helps. 

I somehow figured out the SECRET system for Amazon FRESH, and while my hair is usually in a high bun and most of my pants are leggings, and I AM OVER ALL OF IT, I am being realistic and taking it day by day and hour by hour. Luckily my son has brought a smile to face each day!

I am SAD every day speaking to my clients, family, and friends who have had to either close their business, let go of their employees, or work around so many that are ill. I am thankful I still have a job, but none of this is OK. 

So. Here I am. BLOGGING again after almost a year and a half of basically not writing or sharing. If you follow me on INSTAGRAM @ShanaEmily_...then you would have seen at least some of what my life has looked like over the past year and half. Edwina and I were on a  pretty strict schedule of filming once a week for Youtube on our channel ThriftersAnonymous but that has come to a complete stop AND MY Personal Fashion Fitness, & Health Youtube channel basically stopped when I was cast on A&E's Storage Wars over two years ago...



Is anyone out there? I have missed this. I started blogging when my mom passed away in 2007. 
Needless to say. I miss writing & sharing. Baby steps. I want to share all that has happened so I will. It feels good to talk about stuff, because let’s face it. WE are literally all in this together and sharing somehow makes me feel more connected to's hard to explain. 

So I am going to work on organizing this here blog and I hope you will come along for the ride. I don't know who is out there but name is Shana & I am addicted to thrifting & vintage. I am a first time mom to a beautiful boy named ZEV, I have 2 cats and 1 Labrador named Sampson, I lost his sister last January, another reason I just have not been able to film or write! 

I hope to bring you more of my shenanigans, thrifted outfits, my fitness & day to day loves...I don't know how often I will come on here but I WILL be back. 

I am on Instagram and seem to respond faster there than anywhere else but you can also find me at . I am going to try and respond to the many emails I have received recently and if I haven't responded please reach out again! Let me know what you guys want to see from me & please stop by and say hello! 
I hope you are all staying safe. 

This is just a start to get back to what I LOVE doing...hope to see you guys soon!



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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