VISIT the other BLOGGERS & see how much more progress they have made than me haha they are so inpiring you guys!
We are at the half way mark and while I have most of the large items found and curated and patiently awaiting my paint samples and wall paper samples..I HAVE so much to ACTUALY do...if you saw my checklist from last week then you saw I don't have much done. Finding the time is my issue but hey isn't that why I started this challenge to begin with? Yep. SO
#TEAMNOSLEEP it is haha but man I am finding this process somewhat cathartic and relaxing among the chaos.
So prioritizing some of the big projects and possible outsourcing some as well if it fits into my budget. Yep, if you missed it I have a budget. I gave myself $1,500 for this room. It actually is not a lot but since I knew I would be thrifting & re purposing some of the major items I knew I could make it happen. Here is where we are now and then we will move on to the progress that was made this week!
Isn't it crazy how quickly you can spend haha I mean I didn't opt for the $5,000 sleeper I originally wanted, so technically I am doing really well. Sadly I STILL have to pay for the paint, supplies for the wallpaper AND the wallpaper haha oh crap and the rug and more wood. Ok maybe I will be cutting it close! Do you guys set budgets for each item? Let me see if I can really quick:
RUG: I don't want to spend more than $300 so that will be interesting but maybe I can take advantage of the Memorial Day Sale
PAINT: Well if I go with Benjamin Moore I think I can get away with maybe $150 , & I have some special sponsors for some of the supplies but I need a spray gun and some rollers so maybe another $100
WALLPAPER: This is going to be pricey..I emailed Milton & King the company I ordered samples from and well it will cost at minimum $250 but so worth it
Lighting: I need to buy sconces for the top of the built ins and I don't want to spend more than $150 total I know this will be hard, I also want to have some for the walls and possibly the closet nook to add some lighting so another $100
NEW MATTRESS: SO this isn't crucial for the completion but if I want anyone to sleep on that vintage sofa I need to buy a new one so $300 there CRAP haha
WOOD & MOLDING: This is going to cost at least another $150
That is $1350 guys haha and I only have & $650 left. I never thought about trying to get a sponsor for this but maybe I should haha Any ideas welcome!!
SO Here is my update for the week! The hubby buckled down and went for it! The cabinets were not easy since he had NEVER done it before and well I had no clue haha I'm just over here with all the ideas! We talked it out and began in our non landscaped backyard which by the way IS ALSO happening will share more later on that.
Do you like our make shift station? Since we got nothin in the backyard it kind of helps. We added a thick piece of foam from lowes that helps as a base for the cutting and setting up and began to piece it together. Time lapse on my INSTAGRAM and more updates!
I would totally explain what is going on here in like building terms but honestly I have not clue that is why I was inside working on my re upholstering of an ottoman and wallpaper samples haha
Looks legit right? haha I like how he is smoking a cigar haha he is gonna hate me for this blog post. haha
Zevy helped a bit haha he can fit which means the cabinet will be big enough haha We totally could have bought one made already but he insisted on building it from scratch! No HACKS so yeah haha
He said it took about 4 hours but with interruptions
So we have to remove the base boards still and start the bookshelves...We also realized that we need to make a frame since it is SOO close to the wall that way we can open the cabinet without totally hitting the wall. All part of the learning. But I am excited. I am already inspired by the room just by moving the antique desk in.
I worked in there last night and I was already happy! Crazy how inspiring your space can be when it is something you love and create.
Stay tuned next week for more progress & HELP choosing the final Wallpaper & possibly paint for the built ins and the walls!! I got a lot to do..but if you know me...I work well under pressure!
Till next week!
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