Monday, February 18, 2013

Thrifters Anonymous Link Up! Savers Presidents Day 50% OFF DAY!

The Thrifters Anonymous Member of the week goes to Lins
Domesticated Working Women

{Vest: Thrifted (Crewcuts) $5}

Lins! You are adorable...and I am loving the layering you got going on...I totally have a vest like this and never really know how to wear are rocking this vest and I am loving the polka dots and the chabray! Can't wait to see more of your thrift finds! Welcome to Thrifters Anonymous!!! If you missed last weeks Thrifters Anonymous you can check it our HERE! Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel where you can go thrifting withe me...I will be updating videos soon!

So with only about 20 minutes to spare I managed to make it to Savers for the 50% off sale a day early using my club card! I didn't get everything but I did find some per usual...I also filmeda rather lame video but I thought I would start filming again..that will be up on my YOUTUBE channel Thrifters Anonymous soon!

 This was overpriced...but at $7 I loved it...I am going to use it for an upcoming photoshoot I love the whole rocker vibe it has..
 You can't really see but this vest is by Rachel Roy...yep...a designer that I will never get my hands on unless Exhibit A occurs...I have been wanting a non itchy long grey vest sweater for the longest time...this one was perfect..


 Something for P.E.she is gonna freak when she sees this...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Monk..
 Jumpsuit...ughh so cute I didn't get it..I have so many jumpsuits haha

 VINTAGE Swimsuit...I am in love with it...

Thank you all for linking up!
 Now it is you turn!
 If you have a thrifted item, a sale item, or something you can help others save money or time on from this past week, Link up to Thrifters Anonymous every MONDAY and you will have a chance to be featured! Let's be real folks...who doesn't want to see what others are doing to save money, or even how they are letting their creativity amaze us. Oh and not to mention that it's just a cool club and there are no rules, so I won't punish you if you don't want to post my button...I mean it is anonymous right? Thank you and see you every Monday!

Hi, My Name is {Your Name HERE} I am addicted to Thrifting!
Thrifters Anonymous
Here is how it works...

  • In the "Link it to" section, leave a link to one specific Thrifters Anonymous post from the past week or week prior...doesn't matter...

  • In the "Title" section, tell me what was thrifted cuz you were super excited about your outfit or new couch . An example would be "Thrifted Belt, handmade skirt, & shoes on sale!

  • That's all...and there is no judgement here...everything is worthy...and believe me once you link up you are officially a Thrifters Anonymous Member...FOR EVA..ha ha ok..or as long as I am doing this madness..

  • If you miss the link up or do not have a blog Link up to my facebook and share! I would love to see your finds and meet you!
  • You can also check out my Youtube channel for Hauls, stylings, and more!


  1. I heart Savers! Those are some amazing finds. Well done. Thanks so much for hosting.

  2. I can't wait to see how you wear that vest, it is one of those items I would not know how to wear so I would have to get inspiration from Pinterest! That yellow swim suit is awesome! pippa

  3. Hi Shana, Thanks for hosting thrifters anonymous. Our local Value Village sale is next week. You've got me excited about what I might find. you really scored some good items!

    Sue xo

  4. Wow - wish there was a Savers in Delaware - awesome finds, esp the VS lingerie!

  5. I'm surprised I haven't run into you yet, I was at savers for their pre-sale also : ) I've been obsessed with Savers since I moved to Vegas!

  6. oops, didn't put thrifted item (skirt) in title...

  7. Ahhh!! Yay! Thank you so much! P.S. Love the finds - I wish there was a Savers by me. I think I found something similar though.

  8. So jealous of your wonderful finds.

  9. That bling-y rocker vest is amazing! Great find!

  10. Whoopsie! I meant to put, thrifted military jacket..but I went all auto pilot mode.


  11. OH HECK I love that aztec print jacket. My sister just thrifted one like it and i can't wait to steal it ;)

  12. Added another one today - Throwback to the Dynasty '80's

  13. Vintage swimsuits...drool! I need to keep an eye out!

  14. I love the Victoria Secret find!! what a steal! I would LOVE to have that, love the other black one, and the cute floral one. I am dying over that swimsuit!! love jealous! Thanks for your kind comment!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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