Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Boots

Outfit Details
Sweater: Marshalls
Shorts: Old Navy
Boots: Marshalls  (Got them during this trip)
Necklace:Marilyn Necklace Luxe Craving
Indian Bracelet: Zion
Hamsah: Brandy Melville

I wasn't joking when I said I have been wearing this necklace everyday. I was so excited to be taking pictures with the hubby...he is learning how to use his new lens...he was frustrated that some pics were blurry but I thought they looked great! I have to admit..I did not wear this to work...I wore this outfit on was my first time pairing boots with was nearly 80 degrees outside, and these boots have been sitting on my, "I just got these shoes, and I can't wait to wear them"shelf in my bedroom...I was waiting for the weather to be cooler but it is I wore them...and I kinda like it? I am such a heel lover and when I wear flats I feel short..haha how do you guys wear boots? I am loving all of the boots at Marshalls right now...have you guys gotten any boots for Fall? 

Oh, and on a side sister and I finished our costumes...we are either going to be mistaken for creepy old men...or our actual costume....more hints to come.... for those who are reading...I have a special Giveaway coming for get your thrifted costumes together and be ready for a special Thrifters Anonymous next Monday!!!



  1. Yay, cute. You have such a killer body. I realize that makes me sound like a bit of a lesbian; which I am not... but still you look amazing.

    If I were to live in the States, I'd so trick you to take me thrifting haha. Again; no lesbian intentions what so ever. But you really seem to make thrifting even more fun than it already is.

  2. I love the boots .. .and with the shorts they look great!!

  3. Those are awesome boots! I know how you feel about getting new clothes or shoes and not being able to wear them because of inappropriate weather. I usually just try to make them work anyways. :P

  4. Yay! Looking forward to the next Thrifters Anonymous post- I've been meaning to join in again. Love the boots, they look great with the outfit!

  5. Love this look! It's construction worker chic - Ha ha! The necklace glams it up and the boots are fabulous. I also tend to wear heels a lot and I feel short in flats. Your legs still look a mile long so I wouldn'y worry about it :)

  6. LOL...Im the same way with new everything...I just need to wear them - you look adorable - I love the entire look - shorts with next to-do.

  7. Great accessories and gorgeous boots.

    Visiting from monday mingle.

  8. you are great! and i really appreciate how thrifty you are. sometimes i feel discouraged by all the lovely fashion bloggers who spend an arm and a leg on their wardrobe then a realize i can never attain what they have. i don't get that icky feeling when i read your blog. thank you!
    Current Fashion Trends

  9. I think this is the first time I've ever seen you in flats outside of your gym sneakers. You look great babes!!!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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