Monday, January 06, 2014

Thrifters Anonymous Link Up! GetFIT Come shopping with me at Marshalls!

Thrifters Anonymous Members of the  Week is Sue of 
A Colourful Canvas 
A Colourful Canvas, DYT Type One, Dressing Your Truth
Scarf - Christmas Gift and Hand Crocheted by my niece AlyseDark Wash Skinnies  Laura Petites, thrifted,Navy Blue Wool Coat   London Fog, thrifted, Green Suede Shoes   Hush Puppies, thrifted, Blue Hat  Toucan Collection, thrifted}

Congrats Sue! Happy New Years Love! I just love this Coat..the color is gorgeous on you and I love the pops of green and blue together! Wishing you an incredible year filled with all your dreams come true! 
If you missed last weeks Thrifters Anonymous you cancheck it our HERE! Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel where you can go thrifting withe me...I will be updating videos soon!Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM!!! I always try to post some finds out and about when I can...@colorblindblog

If you are new to Thrifters Anonymous then welcome! I am hoping to bring you even more insight as to what is out there...thrifty vintage and discounted... one of my favorite places is Marshalls...not only is it close to my house...but I ALWAYS find exactly what I need WHEN I need it...and if you are planning on hunting down any sort of fitness attire, fitness essentials or all of the above...then RUN....Run to Marshalls...I will include my VLOG below...I show you the rows and rows of athletic STUFFF!

Now on to the shopping!
 Loving these tanks!

Sports bras are all over the place!!!! Under $10...ughh..I was seriously dying...
I got a roller...if you don't use it you should!!!
Great bands!
I got some ankle weights to use while on the treadmill! Great way to burn extra calories!
CoreBall...get one..and use it in front of the tv!

Wrist waller! great for running!
Kelttle bell workout!
Obsessed with headbands lately! and theselunch bags are so cute!
Water bottle anyone? Seriously they are so stocked!
Look at the cutouts!

Thanks for Linking Up!
 Now it is you turn!
 If you have a thrifted item, a sale item, or something you can help others save money or time on from this past week, Link up to Thrifters Anonymous every MONDAY and you will have a chance to be featured! Let's be real folks...who doesn't want to see what others are doing to save money, or even how they are letting their creativity amaze us. Oh and not to mention that it's just a cool club and there are no rules, so I won't punish you if you don't want to post my button...I mean it is anonymous right? Thank you and see you every Monday!

Hi, My Name is {Your Name HERE} I am addicted to Thrifting!
Thrifters Anonymous
Here is how it works...

  • In the "Link it to" section, leave a link to one specific Thrifters Anonymous post from the past week or week prior...doesn't matter...

  • In the "Title" section, tell me what was thrifted cuz you were super excited about your outfit or new couch . An example would be "Thrifted Belt, handmade skirt, & shoes on sale!

  • That's all...and there is no judgement here...everything is worthy...and believe me once you link up you are officially a Thrifters Anonymous Member...FOR EVA..ha ha ok..or as long as I am doing this madness..

  • If you miss the link up or do not have a blog Link up to my facebook and share! I would love to see your finds and meet you!
  • You can also check out my Youtube channel for Hauls, stylings, and more!


  1. {{{GAK}}} Shana what a nice surprise to be featured this week! Thanks for all the warm and fuzzy wishes!

    Must rush to work, but will check back to watch your vlog later!


  2. Congratulations to Sue! What a great pick this week.

  3. Congrats to the thrifter of the week! Happy New Year to you too girl...XO!!


  4. omg. I'm totally to Marshall's tomorrow!! I could use some cute workout tops!

  5. I am trying my best in getting back into exercising...not having much luck! Perhaps I need new gear...Happy New Year!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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