Friday, January 03, 2014

SMILE...Let's talk about my teeth PHASE 2

ME SMILING! haha and showing my teeth...

SOOOO....I have gotten tons of questions about my Smile Brilliant experience and how it was going so I thought I would update you guys! You can check out PHASE 1 HERE 
About 4 weeks ago I did my first round of treatments I like to call it. I pulled out the instructions that came with my set....

 I learned my lesson the first round....and decided that the Desentsitising gel is a necessity..I didn't think my teeth were that sensitive...but they was easy to use...

 My trays fit perfectyl....
 All you have to do is basically twist off the small plastic topper on the syringe and you now can pump it into the trays..
 At first I pressed it too hard and a big blob came out...then I don't think I used enough during my first treatment so I ended up adding more...the key is to only really fill each tooth cavity portion with a dot...ok a little more than a dot...and try to keep it towards the front of the tooth since you really don't need to whiten the back of your teeth. Don't worry if you have enough..I realized that after one try you can kind of figure it out depending on how much spillage you get...
 Put the trays in your mouth and try not to wiggle it...just put it right in...some of the whitening gel will seep out just use a tissue to clean it...My advice would be to keep the desensitizing gel in for 1 hour and the whitening in for 1 hour.
 I literally took these pictures 1 hour after the treatment...haha MAN...if I learned's
A. This stuff is great! and B. These pictures or HORRIFIC. There has to be a more attractive way to showcase my white teeth...haha ummmmm yeah anyway...


AFTER 1 Hour treatment



I promise...I will get better at these pictures...Next time I will have my hubby take them...but FINALLY...the side of my mouth is starting to match the front of my mouth! haha and no sensitivity.... I will follow up with you guys. I officially went through one syringe and I am on to the next one...the compliments are starting to come white teeth...who knew mine weren't so white!

I have only used it a couple of times but I would totally recommend this..I took it with me on my competition weekend and used it...If you guys want to see my vlogs I talk a little more about it!
VLOG 40 CLICK HERE you can skip to 4:46 if you don't wanna see me ramble or my life in general haha
VLOG 41 CLICK HERE skip to 13:25 and 17:02

You can purchase the whole system HERE! It is my personal link where you can not only get about $40 off but you can use the code COLORBLIND for an additional 10% off! Thank you SMILE BRILLIANT!

I will say I have done a lot more smiling in all of my posts!!! I didn't realize I was self conscious about it...who knew!

Let me know if you guys decided to get it, try it...or all of the above!

1 comment

  1. Your teeth look so amazing! I really have to do something about mine too :)


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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