Saturday, August 02, 2014


I can't believe it is already AUGUST! This year has literally flown by and I have loved every second of it...ok maybe not every second...busting my calf jumping rope was NOT awesome, but what incredible changes and opportunities I have had this year. I am so grateful and excited to see what the rest of this year holds but I thought since last month I listed some promises made I thought I would continue on that trend? What do you say? I figure I will do a little inventory on the last month, some new things I am loving and what I want to work on for next month? Would love to see your promises? Have you made any for August? If so, Post it on Intagram, Twitter, or facebook and tag me! @colorblindblog or @shanaemily on Twitter! #AUGUSTPROMISE

So, July... July was well...better then expected. Here are my promises from July in case you missed them. I also listed my 5 tips to staying motivated...they work for me so I am hoping you guys can try them out as well!

I would say I was positive all month considering and I gave 100%... even when I didn't feel like it. IT started off rough to say the least. I had a few friends that helped me out...
 Remaining positive and remembers that you have to CHOOSE everyday to be a winner.
I do a lot of acting and some commercial work, but when I was asked to be on the hit show on National Geographic None of the Above I was super excited. I loved experiments growing up...I used to love Bill Nye the science guy and all things unpredictable! The is airing in September and I will keep you posted!! THIS was so much fun and do you notice my friends ?
 I really stepped up my cardio game this month. I was and am a dancer and cardio is nothing new. It is good for your heart and keeps you toned and conditioned...AND when you are trying to burn off some fat it helps...This machine as been my lover for two weeks and WHOAH... It has really made a difference! Push through your heels to feel the booty burn, and I do 1 minute increments where I push hard then stand straight up and push down...maybe I will demonstrate for ya one time...
 One of the highlights from this month was me testing out the +1st Phorm MegaWattHD Pre-Workout. I had this bright idea to turn them into popsicles mainly so I could feel like I was getting a snack.. and UMM other then the fact that they ended up looking like DIRTY POPS haha These suckers had me flying around that gym like I was wonder women...and the flavor.. OH THE FLAVOR...I just ordered myself a tub of the watermelon...CAN NOT WAIT! The recipe is under the health and fitness tab of this here blog :O)
 BUSY is understatement when it comes to my schedule. I have really been trying to catch up and we were finally able to take Anastasia the bug $500 Marshalls Giveaway Winner on her shopping spree.. needless to say we had a blast! Our trip is up on my Youtube Channel Thrifters Anonymous!
 Did I mention I was in love with my pre workout popsicle?
 This month is exceptionally hard because it is the month my mom passed away. It is the month our whole family fought to keep her alive...
so many of my friends and family reached out to me on this day to send their love...a special thank you to Faith and Dawnya who gave me that extra that really kept me going and to all of you on Instagram and Youtube who left me comments for days.. I heart YOU.
No better way to combat a broken heart then by THRIFTING at Goodwill and finding Vintage and name brands for $1. I was happy. See.. haha

 To bring me even more joy.  called and wanted to collaborate? umm YES PLEASE> They asked me to pick out some outfits to style and whoah...I am in love. A Haul video coming soon!
 July was also the month when I PR'd on Shoulders and noticed my back? Ummm THAT IS MY BACK? haha what the WHAT!  
 My calf bruise wasn't going to bring me down. My Legion of Boom shirt and new Jordans brought me right back up!
 Time with my family and best friends was enjoyed...always lots  of laughter in this family ahha too bad we don't look alike... haha
 Top off the month with a Fashion Show with the beautiful designer Wanda Potter of VEGAS COUTURE... you will be seeing her a lot more don't worry. Fashion Fridays for the Las Vegas Fashion Council!
 I was so excited to get my picture taken.. haha
 and last but not least some words from Mr. Frisella...of +1st Phorm . If you are not following these guys you need to. They speak the truth and put it all out there... that is what it is all about. There were a lot of opportunities lost for many years...and then one day I woke up and decided to TAKE IT.

Hope you guys had a wonderful month! Let's make August even better!

1 comment

  1. Hi!
    Is there a blog post or youtube video where you can show us the exercises you do for your back? It's one area I'd like to work on and I would LOVE it if my back looked even a little like yours lol!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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