Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Protein Pancake Skeleton & Egg White Muffin Brains:Halloween Clean Eats

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I know it has been a while since I posted a recipe but this one was too fun to pass up! If you are getting ready to go to a Halloween Party this weekend or just want to scare your children but have them eat healthy then this is the recipe for you!! I have a NEW VLOG up where Edwina and I prepare this, get creative, and lose our minds! Hope you enjoy! 

First we will start with the EGG WHITE MUFFIN BRAINS! You have seen me make these before HERE, I love making these for my on the go mornings and to bring to a house party or brunch!

  1. Mini Muffin Tin, baking boxes like we found or cupcake container!
  2. Spray your Muffin tin or containers with Olive Oil Spray or a spray of your choice
  3. Chop Veggies that you would like to include in your egg white muffin! We added broccoli slaw, bell peppers, onions, jalepenos and zucchini ! You can add spinach mushrooms anything you like!
  4. Now add Egg Whites 1/3 cup makes 2 egg whites of liquid egg whites, I can usually fit 1/3 cup egg whites in the mini muffin tins
  5. You can now add spices! Garlic, Pepper, anything you like!
  6. We added Zaatar seasoning can be found here Jamaican Jerk, Creole, anything!
  7. BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes depending on your oven! If you are using a muffin tin remove them and set them on a rack! Make sure to place them on a pan if you are using these baking squares! haha ours leaked!

Now it is time for the skeleton!

  1. 4 Egg Whites ( We Doubled this for the Skeleton) Make to your preference This recipe will work great for a stove top recipe!
  2. 1/3 cup oats I like to use traditional oats as they blend a little better then Irish or Coach's
  3. 4-5 drops of Stevia Drops We used English Toffee!
  4. 1/8 Tsp Baking Powder
    This can be cooked on a hot pan,or in the baking dish for 20 minutes check every 10 minutes!
  5. Sprinkle Cinnamon,peanut butter or even maple syrup, Wallden Farms makes a great maple syrup or try Mancakes so good here is a link to find it! 
  6. For Decor we added Sugar free preserves, peanut butter,and Rambutans!

Hope you enjoyed!! The idea behind this is to make something YOU know you can eat, something clean Bring it to your party and have fun!!! Happy Halloween friends! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and SHARE our video!! thanks for the love!


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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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