Wednesday, November 04, 2015

The American Dream #theLEAP

Outfit Details
Vintage Blazer: Thrifted Goodwill
American Eagle Vegan Leather Jeggings: Marshalls
Booties: ZARA
Beanie: c/o SCALA
Wood Watch: c/o Jord
Star David Necklace: Jerusalem
Hebrew Leather Bracelet: Tel Aviv

 I have really tried to get my schedule in order lately...if you follow my Youtube channel then you know all about my crazy schedule..I promised myself more fun with fashion since that is one of my first true loves...and I noticed that when I don't get dressed up or play with all the amazing pieces in my wardrobe I am left feeling uninspired and not so happy. 

I was sooo excited when I was contacted recently to be a part of the Leopardet team to help launch the kickstarter today! I get approached by a lot of companies but I will only share those that I truly believe in...and until then I find myself left feeling a little less then impressed....but when I read the story behind Leopardet and Ari the founder I was immediately inspired... and who doesn't love a leopard? I might have to bust out all my vintage pieces I have collected!!!

My family came from Morocco and was reaching for the American Dream... I can relate to Ari and anyone who strives to bring something new and unique to the world...we are outsourcing so much that I do feel like we have lost sight of what we have here in America. I mentioned this on Instagram recently in choosing companies to 1stphorm, Jord WoodWatches, and now Leopardet...I believe in the values of the company and the individuals behind them...

When I went to the website I immediately fell in love... I am hoping to get my hands on the leopard top on the bottom right!
 I've been wanting to try the culottes trend...these look so sophisticated and chic!

The FELINE collection is it..
 Look at the holes on the elbows!! 
...simple, but edgy, I envisioned all of my vintage blazers over this simple V neck and I am sorry GREY V neck but for have been replaced...Leopard done in a simple way I think Ari may have something pretty special here...and while I could talk all day long about it...GO check it out for yourself and be a part of the MOVEMENT! 

The kickstarter will last until December 11, 2015!! 
Congratulations to Ari and the Leopardet Team!! 
The Kickstarter is LIVE !



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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