Wednesday, December 09, 2015

My new planner came! Unboxing & Review

I was so excited to find out that Rebels Agenda sent me both of their planners for review and well to change my life haha I know I's just a planner but if you saw my most recent youtube video where I unboxed it then you would know what I am talking about! 

Here is the video!! 

Can I first just say how thankful I am for all of you guys! The comments and the messages seriously inspire me to keep going, keep filming...thank you to all of you who tag me in your inspiring posts...sharing your meal prep and new planners! haha I know there is a small group of us who are obsessed with lists and planners as much as I am! haha thank you for liking and sharing my videos! It all helps me..and also lets me know what you guys want to see!! I promise there are more meal prep and cooking videos coming soon!!!

I was sent two agendas!

The Executive Rebel and the Entrepreneur Rebel
Both version I felt had some great sections like BIG Goals, New ideas, and of coarse the project planner that I found myself wanting to list all of the projects in the pipeline. I don't think I will use the appointments but what I could use it for is appts with Edwina for our ThriftersAnonymous Youtube Channel! What I think I loved most about these planners are the ideas behind each section...almost pushing you to think outside the box and inspire you through your own ideas...planners are not just for what is set in stone...and what you have in your calender...that is just a small portion...I think the Rebel Agenda is all about CREATING what you have only dreamed of and focusing on making it a reality. Again I know..I can be a little over dramatic about my planners haha but I truly 100% believe that if you WRITE it down...and PLAN it...YOU can and will make it happen..

Alongside my Protein pancake which reminds me I need more of my 1stPhorm Peanut Butter Cup Level 1 Protein...I began writing down and organizing the planner..Oh and thank you all who contonue to use my private link to order your 1stphorm supplements and apparel! You not only get Free Shipping but you are helping me along the way and well helping you seriously...if you haven't tried this protein or multi vitamin get on it! and email me if you have any questions!!!!!
so let's talk about my excitement for this planner and how grateful I am that Rebels Agenda not only sent me two to try but also gave me a DISCOUNT CODE for you guys!!! 
USE CODE: SHANAREBEL for 15% off your very own!! 

Follow me along on my youtube channel as I will share how I will use them and how I will plan my next year...I have some things I want to change, some more goals I want to accomplish...and some really exciting news for both my channels!!!

Make sure you are following me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_ Twitter @ShanaEmily SnapChat at ShanaEmilySnaps Periscope @ShanaEmily Facebook @ShanaEmily and Youtube #ShanaEmily !! Love you guys!!! and let me know if you have any questions about this planner!!

Shana Emily


1 comment

  1. I looked at these when you first vlogged about them and they are SO cool! I would definitely buy one but I don't use paper planners anymore. I did send the link to my daughters who do still use paper planners. Very awesome product.


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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