Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wanting Results NOW, focusing on the glutes, & New workout clothes...

Hi friends! Well, I am officially in a rut...haha I know I know..from the looks of my youtube, instagram, and all things you see, it would SEEM as though I am focused...but the truth is..I am schedule has been a bit of a energy level is low...and I just don't wanna. I honestly think that I just wanted a break, I don't want goals right now haha I know this all sounds a bit extreme, but it is honestly how I feel. 
BUT and this is a big BUTT haha 
THE one thing I have tried to do is stay consistent, I try to make good choices and I have tried to stay in the gym at least 2 to 3 times a week. I hurt my back pretty bad and haven't done upper body in almost 2 weeks, but I think that I needed a break. 

Glutes and hamstrings have been the only workouts I have wanted to do and I am totally ok with that. A change of scenery and a new gym like City Athletic Club has given me the change I needed and allowed me to be close to home and literally across the street from my office..NO EXCUSES. 

CHECK out my latest VLOG! I share my most recent ORDER from 1stphorm new apparel, and a full GLUTE and hamstring workout! 

This is when going to the gym and staying consistent is the MOST important...mainly cuz it is the hardest. I am making a lot more videos and trying to answer all of your questions in my vlogs! But I wanted to also answer some of those in a blog post for some of you who have asked. 

I get asked a lot about what supplements I use during a break like this...because it is important to take a break from supplements but there are some you can continue to use! Since my focus is on building muscle and growing this booty I really try to focus my supplements around this type of workout. 
Using a multi-vitamin is 1st and foremost and for the past 6 months I have been using aphacre HD a non stimulant pre workout that has given me that extra umph about 30 minutes prior to leg day. Immediately following I always EAT...protein, carbs, and veggies! Check out my #MEALPREPSUNDAY videos for what I eat! along with food I have been using Ignition to help with feeding that glycogen and maintain that muscle! Like I said I will have some VLOGS touching on this subject but please feel free to email me directly with questions you may have on supplements, apparel, my puppies haha anything! 
You can also check out my personal website for 1stphorm and read a little bit more about some of the supplements I love using. I am pretty picky when it comes to this stuff and it is so important to know that making sure your diet is clean and your workouts are consistent is the first step, One of my goals for the upcoming year is to help everyone understand why they do something...because I know for me that was the hardest thing to grasp...I mean WHY do I take this before my workout? Why do I need protein? Which shake do I take after a workout? What should I eat? 

oh and if you are interested in what I got from Sephora I also did a little shopping there as well! 

I also wanted to share this lovely message I got from one of you guys!!! THIS is what drives me and motivates me....THANK you to all who have supported me and who have taken the step to make their dreams come true...I am so thankful for all of you, 1stphorm and I can't wait to see what this next year will bring! xoxo



  1. I admire your energy, determination and goal-oriented exercise - you look great! It would do me a lot of good to do some exercises for my glutes (and also for my abdomen). I was wondering about taking protein supplements and am curious about the ones you take. Are they suitable for vegans or vegetarians? I guess I should check out your 1stphorm website. I like the ruched-rear 1stphorm leggings you showed in your 33 minute long YouTube video titled "Target the glutes, 1stPhorm apparel, Sephora Haul, & American Eagle |MIAMI BOUND Vlog #8|#ShanaEmily". The un-boxing was interesting and seemed very spontaneous, and the leggings looked great on you in the selfie segment. The colour of the blazer you were wearing in the shopping segment magenta?) is pretty. I had been thinking about joining a gym, had seen a bunch of exercise machines and wondered how to use them. Wow, you're in really excellent shape! I was wondering how to work on my glutes without hurting my back. Those exercises look great for the glutes and legs. Fun video!

  2. I visit your blog you have shared nice gym strategy.It's also inspires me a lot of.Thanks for sharing here you will get more relative inform if you have time please check my page gym shirts men.

  3. I am sooooooo happy to have found your post. You're giving me hope that it will work for me too! Thanks for sharing!
    Dealing with Anger

  4. To achieve goals things what are important is setting goals and determination. To get best results a all essential are must. Love the article!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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