Monday, January 25, 2016

Come grocery shopping with me! SAVE-A-LOT

Hi friends! 

So excited to share another grocery trip and haul with you guys! This time I am at a brand new store here in Las Vegas called Save-A-Lot. The location at 6100 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89108 just had their grand opening on January 7th! I had never heard of it and was excited to try it out and be a part of the #SaveALotInsiders! Kinda feels like #ThriftersAnonymous should MERGE with Save-A-Lot! haha hmmm I mean I love to cook, I love food AND I am a Thrifter! So it all seemed to fit perfectly! I thought on this first trip I would take you a long and show you what you can find and what you can expect as far as brands and prices. Though prices may vary from location to location. 

 I am gearing up for the #transphormation challenge so I am keeping it really clean and getting ready to lean out for a few photo shoots I have coming soon. I was excited to see how the prices compared to some of my favorite stores here and also see the brands that are exclusive to Save-A-Lot! In a few more blog posts I will share some of my new recipes and what meals I will be making over the next few weeks! Make sure you are following me on Youtube channel as I will share them on there as well! 
ok, let's go shopping!

I was sent $75 for this trip so I was excited to see what I could get, my normal trip costs about $120 to $130!

My first stop was the produce section. It was right a I walked in and I immediately saw how low some of the prices were! 

Below are the items I chose for my weekly meal prep!

Bell Peppers for $1.99 a lb?? I love to add these in my egg white muffins, egg white omelettes, as well as at dinner time with my sauteed vegetables!
Green Beans were fresh and also a great deal! It was 9pm, so I guess my first tip would be try to go in the morning as I am sure they would be more stocked up! But I was able to get what I needed!

I grabbed the last of the broccoli crowns. I like to add about 1 cup of veggies to all my meals! Not only do I LOVE vegatables but they add a lot of volume to your meals, give you energy and will keep you lean all year round. I promise...with all the nutrients not only are they good for you but they will aid in your weight loss journey! 

Strawberries for my late night snack. I like to have 2 to 3 with a rice cake and sugar free preserves!

Bananas were a ridiculous deal! I picked up some of these I like to eat about a half a day for the first couple weeks of my prep!

I have been craving iceberg lettuce lately for my salads and for my tacos I make!

I love cole slaw and I love making salads and stir fry's with this! You can buy all of them fresh but the bag is easier for my lazier days! This is cheaper then the grocery store so that was a good find!

LOVE mushrooms, sauteed in my dinner dishes or in my scrambled egg whites!

Zucchini is one of my favorites and ever since I got this spiralizer contraption I have been addicted to making noodles out of it! I love it with dinner simmered with my protein and sometimes with a carb like brown rice or sweet potato!

Yellow Squash is also amazing! I grew up eating this and continue to make it a part of my weekly meals!
I love cauliflower, as a snack and I am going to try this pizza crust situation! I also like steaming it and mashing it and pretending it is mashed potatoes..haha 79 cents a lb!  

Fresh cilantro 69 cents! I use this on my salads and my tacos! Adds so much flavor!

Roma tomatoes, I will usually chop up a small one for dinner on my salads or even my tacos!
Ginger is so good and I realized I never get it! It was nice to be in a different store it really forced me to look at everything! I will use this in my dishes like my stir fry and even salads!

2 for $1.00 haha these suckers were gigantic!!!!!!!! 3 oz of sweet potato with my dishes is about the serving you want to use! Also weigh it prior to baking to get the serving size correct!

They had almonds and I was out! I like to count about 10 almonds a day for some good fat I like to save them for before my workout or I will even switch it out with peanut butter!

Quick oats! I like to use this obviously for breakfast about 1/3 cup and my protein pancakes!

This wasn't in the plan but they looked so good and for those cravings I thought I would give them a try! I had never tried Nature Trails before so I will let you know how it is!

I didn't get these nuts but I was curious about this brand as it is a Save a lot exclusive J. Higgs

I picked up some more corn tortillas this was a great deal for the amount I got!

 Save-A-Lot offers fresh meat cut in-store daily!

I was able to find some lean turkey and while it isn't the 99% fat free the 93% will do just fine but I will adjust the serving to fit my macros.

They had packaged chicken breasts 2 per pack for $4.01 this was a pretty good deal!

They had a huge selection.
I was so excited to find these thinly sliced chicken breasts almost 2lbs for under $4!! and I love that they are so thin!Great for some of the dishes I have planned!

Now this is not something I would normally buy but I have been craving turkey bacon so I am just gonna have to make it work!

Farmington chicke apple sausage. Enough said. I will be adding this to some of my stir frys for dinner again working in the macros cuz these look delicious!

Now I didn't buy these pizzas but for $6 i just thought what a great deal, they were fresh too!

I always pick up a frozen pack of veggies for those lazy days or nights! Always in case of emergency!

Frozen blueberries is the way to go when making my oatmeal or even my protein shakes! These were a really good price! They can be so expensive in a typical grocery store!

I almost got this but you will see why I didn't in a bit!

This was the most shocking in the whole store...and made me actually say ...WOW I did SAVE A LOT haha Cod is so expensive and $7.99 for this pack was awesome. I also love the serving size of these!

This is a lot of tilapia at a great price, I didn't get it but $3.59 a lb?

Ok this isn't part of my plan but I had to get this for the hubby! He loves flan! and it was 99 cents!

He also loves rice pudding! 

Egg whites by Coburn Farms, I just prefer the liquid though I do buy the cage free whole eggs.

Do you see how big this Tapatio is? but I held back..

I picked up a pack of long grain brown rice for 99 cents!!! what!!!! haha Again SHOCKiNGLY low prices haha See guys no excuse!

and this is why I passe on the other hot sauce. $1.29 for this MASSIVE size of Valentina! YESSSSSS haha 

There were all kinds of goodies in this store! I have always wanted a tortilla warmer!

Traditional candy! 
I thought I would try this brand Kurtz of dill pickles! I love to snack on these!
I love these on my salads!
They had a pretty decent size of spices and they were way cheaper then the grocery store. I love garlic powder in addition to fresh garlic. 

I so wanted to try this stuff! It looks so good! Another Save-A-Lot exclusive brand Panner.
I will use this on rice cakes at night! I don't normally do sugar free but when I am cutting I will use only table spoon this is another Save A Lot brand so I wanted to taste it! 

My bill came to $89!!!! My normal bill is about $120 at local grocery stores and I even purchased items I don't normally purchase! I can't wait to MEAL PREP using these items and I will share some dishes as I go also! Let me know if you guys have been here yet and what your favorite items are from Save A Lot! You can also sign up for the Smart Shopper Club to get the weekly ad delivered straight to your inbox!

I really liked the fact that they have a Save-A-Lot Promise 100% Money Back Guarantee basically it stated that:

Save-A-Lot food stores values customer satisfaction. In case our products don’t meet 

your satisfaction, we offer Save-A-Lot Promise 100% Money Back Guarantee. Please 

bring it back to the store you purchased it from with your receipt to be replaced or 


I know that you can do that in a lot of stores, but I love that they advertise this as it makes me feel comfortable and lets me know that at the end of the day, they want you to be happy and satisfied!

STAY TUNED for a #MEALPREPSUNDAY video coming soon with my full trip to Save-A-Lot and my meals for the week!

Disclaimer: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Save-A-Lot. This could include Save-A-Lot providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment.


  1. I live in Ohio and we have save a lots all over. I worked at one right after high school lol. Haven't shopped at one in a while think it's time for a trip.

    1. oh wow! Yeah I had never heard of it before! i will have some giveaways for gift cards coming soon! stay tuned cindy!

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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