Sunday, March 27, 2016

ThriftersAnonymous #ThriftGiving Las Vegas Thrifty Blogger Giveaway!

♫ Thrifters Anonymous♫ IT's time for Thriftgiving ♫ Thrifters Anonymous ♫ We found out what to do with all our finds and and you are WINNING ♫ Thrifters Annymous♫ You ain't even gotta pay for shipping ♫ Thrifters Anoooooooooooonymousssssssssss♫

HI #TAMembers ! That is right it is time for #THRIFTGIVING and we could not be more excited! If you watched our GARAGE SALE video HERE then you would have seen us go through the 11 STEP program for Thrifters Anonymous. Through this we discovered that we have too many incredible finds...that let's face it..the general public just doesn't understand! SO Who better to understand our excitement then those who also have the SAME PROBLEM!

WE are here to announce and celebrate with you the FIRST EVER #THRIFTGIVING GIVEAWAY!

You will WIN items hand picked by US so you can #LETEMHAVEIT! The idea behind this is to pay it forward...WE LOVE ALL of our finds but it is time to let go and find a new home for them. Some items may not work for you but the idea is to keep on giving! We sent out a special shipment of #TASTARTERKITS to some of our favorite Women Youtubers & Bloggers who know all about letting everyone have it! 

Check out ThriftingThickChick's reaction to her ThriftBox Below!

SO... are you ready for #THRIFTGIVING?

WE have SEVERAL ways to win...but if you are not one of the winners don't will have a chance to get your hands on your very own #TAStarterKit SMALL MEDIUM LARGE or BIG ASS ThriftBOX...custom to you..that is right folks...FOR A SMALL FEE you will be able to go thrifting WITH US at the comfort of your own home..MORE ON THAT coming soon! 

MAKE sure you are following us on 

Terms & Conditions

Giveaway is only available for United States Residents. If under 18 years of age must have parents permission. NO returns or complaints MAKE IT WORK. OR Gift it to your family or friends and share the love! Happy #ThriftGiving All entrants will be verified so don't FUGGIE your way through...haha only #TAMEMBERS allowed. 

WE PROMISE we will have something for the International #TAMEMBERS in the future, but we gotta make that coin first! S&E

If you win you must tell us your size, favorite color, & Clothing brand of preference! 


  1. First of all, this is awesome! You girls are amazing and I'm so happy I found your channel! Changed my thrifting life/lifestyle forever!

    Secondly, my favorite thing that I left behind would be a denim blazer jacket from bebe. Found it at Savers for $5. I didn't think I could pull it off, so I left it. :( I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I went back and of course it was gone! I wasn't so much disappointed that it wasn't there anymore. I was more disappointed in myself for thinking I couldn't rock it! That's something I learned from watching you ladies, I need to be confident in myself!

    Anyhow, thanks again ladies!
    Xoxo Holly

    1. Boohoo I just got so excited. Too bad thriftgiving is only available for US-residents. My god I'd love to get mail from you guys and rock every single piece of yours! I hope it'll soon be possible even if it's with shipping fee or anything. Love you two and your shenanigans!
      Greetings from Switzerland! (at the time)

    2. Where did you see it was only for US-residents? I have double checked now and can't find anything stating that for the give-away

    3. Hey loves!!! WE PROMISE we are going to have INTERNATIONAL available too just working out the cost! BUT we are going to have something for everyone just keep watching and THANK YOU for the love and support!

    4. Oop, well that takes out my entry, good luck anyway.

  2. I'm so excited about this Thrift Giving Giveaway. Tell Edwina I'm still waiting on my prize for guessing where she bought...hummm....was it shoes?.. dress perhaps?....I can't remember but you were going to a luncheon. Thanks ladies for all the Shenanigans

  3. Hi girls, I love watching your videos... you two Crack me up! However I mostly love how you pick up things that I'd be like "ew" about and make them look amazing when you try them on. I'm trying to think more outside of the box when I go thrifting myself. As far as an item I regret leaving behind.. none lol if I need it, want it ,gotta have it, I GET IT lol.. love you guys

  4. Love your blog and videos so much! This is such a great giveaway, would be a dream to win!
    A find I've left behind that I loved was in fact an amazing faux fur jacket in PERFECT condition and I still to this day just don't understand why I left it behind. I also once found a camel/nude long blazer/coat that I left behind and totally hate myself for that! I just don't understand why?! :)

  5. Oh it's so hard to narrow down the left behind! I think it was a black Kasper blazer I found last week. It was perfect but wouldn't button. And I left it behind because I was having an "I feel fat" day and couldn't see past to where I might be able to button it.

    I'm working on Step 1 which I think its the hardest...admitting you have a problem...I am working on it :) @TAPPROVEDTWEET

  7. I am a huge fan! Ever since I discovered your channel a few years ago, I have been binge watching all your videos, especially when I don't have a chance to go thrifting, I get my fix from your videos. So... needless to say, I'm still on Step 1, I know I have a problem, and I don't care, I love it!!!! #taapproved #thriftgiving

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A piece I left behind was just Saturday. It was a red shirt with white polka dots. I wore a white skirt and thought how perfect that shirt would have looked. MANNNNNN!!!!!!

  10. Hey Ladies,
    At the end of your description above, where you telling everyone to follow you. I think you are missing an "A" in your twitter name. You have "Twitter @TAPPROVEDTWEET"

  11. Any SHOES apart of this giveaway? Shana and I are the same shoe size. YESSSS!!!!!

  12. My favorite find that I left behind was a navy blue blazer. It's so hard to find petite sized blazers.

  13. I'm literally so excited for this giveaway! School can get super stressful and I love to watch your videos and laugh my head off. I wish I had a friendship like you guys have with each other! Thrifters Anonymous holds a dear place in my heart :)

  14. Great idea, ladies. I've seen you for a long time and your style has always inspired me. Also, your bubbly personalities make your channel my favorite one. Keep inspiring, keep recycling and keep thrifting

  15. First of all congrats on reaching 25+k you and your closets deserve it. I love watching your videos, they are so much fun. I laugh so much. Stay awesome

  16. I left vintage nine west heels

  17. I left vintage nine west heels

  18. I love you both!! I look forward to your videos during the week and can't wait to watch when I see that you have a new one!

    My favorite find I left behind was a bright red wool vintage coat at Goodwill! It was beautiful, but I buy too much outerwear and didn't have room for it! I hope someone worthy snatched it up for me!

  19. i left a pair of ugg heels that were $30 but just a smidge too tight at marshalls...i shoulda just stepsittered those pretty grey bitches :/

  20. I have left several things behind that I wish I could get back. I think one thing was a designer purse that my niece would have liked.

  21. Awesome idea!!

    My fave item i left behind was a 80s style gold & black peplum occasion dress! It was only £5 but they just aint ready here in the UK! And as much as i loved it im not too sure i coulda rocked it either!

  22. I left a beautiful bright blue blazer, it was a bit too small but an amazing piece !

  23. I love what y'all do!

  24. I just love this idea so much! It's hard to recall a find that I left behind because I don't usually leave stuff (#hoarder). However when I first started thrifting I found this amazing and ridiculous pink 80s jumpsuit that I did not get and I always wish that I did. I even went back for it and it was gone. You never know when you'll need a good authentic, ridiculous 80s outfit...

  25. First off this is awesome and I love you guys! Your videos always make me laugh. I don't have a favorite find I've left behind because I don't leave behind nothing!!! ha!

  26. Favorite find I left behind had to have been a over sized sweater that was baby blue. Only reason I left it behind is because I had already spent all my money lol

  27. Love you guys! Such a creative idea. Biggest thrift regret was a black real leather Michael Kors was 50.00 and I still cry over the loss of it. Ana

  28. the find i recently left behind were a pair of brand new, authentic coach sandals for $11. they sure could've came in handy this spring, lol

  29. My favorite piece I left was something I donated. A red sparkly top that fit me perfectly. Great holiday piece! What was I thinking? I could've let them have it every Christmas.

  30. New to the community but I am loving every minute. Yall are friendship goals. <3

  31. Yaaaasss!! I hope I can get my hands on one TA starter kit!!! Love you guys!!!!

  32. Amazing finds from two amazing and inspiring ladies. I am so excited to see all the shenanigans.

  33. This is exciting, good idea ladies! It is always hard to leave behind the things that are gorgeous but don't fit. If it don't fit, you must fergit!

  34. I'm always excited for giveaways but a THRIFT GIVEAWAY !!! OMG !

  35. love ya'll

  36. You lady's are so amazing. I can't tell you how much I enjoy both of you. Such beautiful people inside and out. What I love most about TA channel is the realness, you're so genuine and a whoot to watch. I can spend all day just going through your videos over and over because it just makes me smile and feel like we have a friendship because I feel they true connection you have for your TA family. I truly love you guys and hope that your days to come in your TA adventures are incredible and full of so much fun. Love you both :) -Melanie Stephens

  37. I never really went thrifting :( I live in Germany and there are no good thriftshops where I live. But I love watching your videos :)

  38. I love the reaction videos - You guys are the bomb!!!

  39. Favorite find I left behind? A gorgeous cream sequined dress- vintage, heavy, and two sizes too big!

  40. SydnieMcKenney@yahoo.comMarch 29, 2016 at 12:24 PM

    I love you guys so much, you make me laugh so much. I always look forward to your next videos and am in love with what you find. Keep doing what you do because you are amazing!!!

  41. This is the most exciting thing ever!!!! Now, I do not have Twitter nor do I really want one so is that a deal breaker if I don't have one? That would certainly break my little heart!

    1. Not a deal breaker! Just subscribe and share anywhere!!! We appreciate you and are so excited!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

  42. I was so excited to hear about THRIFTGIVING!! There are many amazing finds that I have left behind in the past, many due to sizing and such!!

  43. Okay lets try this again ;)
    Thanks to you both for including us in on the fun! I love the go thrifting with us videos!
    I am always yelling at the screen! Go back and get that or oooo that looks great or you missed that dress right back there 😏

    As far as what I left behind.. Just last week I spied a sequined blazer from Chicos.
    I carried it around for awhile. I couldn't get past the thought that my hubby or daughter would be horified;) I can hear it now lol You look like a lounge singer blah blah blah! Sadly it's not there anymore!

    Love you guys!

    Dana Goldinger

  44. Hoping to win a TA starter kit !! If I do Ill be doing my happy shoulder dance "ala Edwina 💁🏾" . Thanks for all your love and video sharing!!!

  45. As for what I regret leaving behind: a vintage maxi skirt made of a velvet floral print. I found it in the summer and I was kicking myself come winter when I could have worn it for all my holiday events!!! Lesson learned #needitgottahaveit!😉

  46. Crossing my fingers, love the good sense of humor and positive vibe of the brand you ladies created.

  47. I just absolutely love the two of you!! When I first found your videos on YouTube I thought I'd been jump-started to heaven! I binge watched to catch up on the older videos. My mom was quite ill at the time I discovered you and I was caring for her round the clock. At bedtime, I'd crawl into bed and pop on another TA video. Silly sounding? Maybe. But, those videos were the bright spot in my day and one 'fun' thing I looked forward to throughout her illness and death. I could not wait to see the next one. I've stayed true to that habit.... I still check every evening to see if possibly another video has been uploaded!��You two are great and inspiring and I feel like I know you( everyone prob says that!)
    Thanks so much for sharing your talents!
    Oh, yeah. 12 step program... My name is Julie and I'm at step one. Still have trouble admitting I have a problem. But, doesn't that kinda scream 'problem'?
    Thanks guys!

  48. This is amazing! I can never find as much good stuff in thriftstores as you do, I mostly buy books and homeware because the clothes in my thriftstores aren't good :(

  49. I am dying to thrift when I have money to spend and when I don't I live vicariously through you.The one thing I regret taking home was an incredibly huge super soft white sweater with Etre on the front I saw it a week later too, but the next day when I came to get it, it became is the sad classic story of it being gone.

    Since I do not want to end this post on that sad tale I will also say that my most recent fave find is a knit sweater that is brand spanking new and of a decent brand (Minimum) turned out to be a guy sweater but it feels like the comfy sweater that one would steal from a boyfriend. Hmmmmmmmm mmmm

  50. I love watching the two of you thrift together and yelling when you either pass pieces on the racks that I love without stoping or leave my favorite pieces behind. I also love that you ladies can laugh at yourselves and each other when something doesn't fit or just looks down right funny on, possitive body image. I'm always telling my besty and my family to just try things on because you never know, sometimes you may be plesantly surprised. Most times I just get fed up, throw it in the cart gor them and MAKE THEM try it on, nine times out of ten they've gotten their best pieces that way.

  51. You guys made me change my mind about thrifting its the best !! love u guys

  52. Thrifters Anonymous is one of the highlights to my day! I always look forward to any video and get pumped when I hear the Thrifters Anonymous theme song! I continuously sing along in every video and have gained a habit of saying, "Let em' have it" while snapping my fingers in the air! I look up to you guys as an inspiration to be creative, and just be myself. I've been watching for maybe around two years and look forward to what will come! Thank you Thrifters Anonymous for all the shenanigans and fun times! Much love from your fan~ Shy

  53. Favorite thrift find left behind? I don't leave things behind!! ;) BUT there was a black Levi chambray button down I passed up on a thrift website that ended up selling! But THEN I guess they ended up not completeing the sale and I swiped it up 2 days later when it appeared for sale again!! I felt like I won

  54. Hi you guys! I love Thrifters Anonymous and your blog so much! I am very new to the world of thrifting and I was on YouTube one day and stumbled upon your videos. (may have watched all of them in a day;) ) I just went to my first thrift store the other day and it was AMAZING I think I might be addicted already! You are both a huge inspiration to me fashion wise and confidence wise. You two are never afraid to just be you and I strive to be like that some day. I think you are both such strong amazing women! I wish I could meet you two lovely ladies in person someday. Love you guys! All the best! ~Kaylee

  55. Oh this will be so hard to lose those items from the closet. So brave of you guys!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. P.s. my favorite find that I left behind was a pair of almost brand new vintage 1990's Demonia boots for only $30. I just did not have the $30 that day it was them or food for the family. Food won.

  58. I love you guys so much your such an inspiration, you guys give me new ideas on different outfits and help me come out of the box with different pieces, i left behind my favorite blue sweater from american eagle is was an oversized sweater it was a pretty teal blue i loved it so much but i have a hoarding issue with clothing so i figured someone else would love to have it so i gave it to goodwill

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. SO excited for thriftgiving!!!! I've been fans of you guys for awhile, and I'm so excited for this! Even if I don't win, it'll be really nice to see how everyone styles their packages differently! :)

    Thanks for the opportunity! Love you guys!

    I found a pair of really amazing booties once that i had to leave behind, they were too expensive, that store had Catholic Charities like pricing haha. But I think about them every time I go thrifting.

  61. WooHoo! #thriftgiving! I just gave away 6 trash bags full of clothes! Time to restock! I recently got an internship as a experience designer (make website and phone applications look pretty) Any tips on what i could look out for for when I work work work work work ;)

    My favorite item left behind has to be a ceramic pair of goose neck coat hangers. Looked like this but white. I have a think for quirky things like this I guess!

  62. I recently found you girls on YouTube and I am also new to thrift store shopping. OMG, why haven't I discovered shopping at thrift stores can lead one to amazing finds?! Today, I scored a vintage 1950s J. Warshaw fur jacket for $10! Thank you gals for your hilarious antics and beautiful selves.

  63. I left behind a leather biker jacket for 20 bucks! I hated leaving it but it didn't fit and I couldn't think of anyone else who would want it.i hated leaving it

  64. I'm so excited for this project you guys are doing. You're making a lot of people very happy. It feels good to give! xoxo

  65. My fave thing I left behind are light wash high waist Levi's jeans! So sad about it.

  66. I love watching all your videos. The item I left behind that I shouldn't have were some black healed knee high boots, but at the time I was thinking winter is over and I won't get any use out of them any time soon. SHould've gotten em! Keep posting, Love you ladies!

  67. Awww, shoot! I'm too late to enter. Oh well, hopefully there will be another one soon!!

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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