Friday, May 06, 2016

#WhatWeWore Preppy Chic at Fruits & Roots Juice Bar in Las Vegas!

We are back with a #WHATWEWORE you probably remember this outfit from my outfit post HERE We are both rocking our new vintage blazers from Catholic Charities here in Las Vegas! You can watch that Come Thrifting With US trip HERE! We love rocking vintage with new and both of our leggings are from Marshalls! We always seem to find the best there! 
You can watch our WHAT WE WORE below! 

We also met up for lunch at one of our favorite secret not so secret places Fruits & Roots right there off of Sunset and Buffalo off the 215! Growing up my mom used to make us Carrot Juice, Green juice...all before it was the cool thing to do..believe me..everyone had Squeeze Its and Capri Suns and I had..CARROT JUICE...if only she could see everyone now! This place owned by a very good friend of mine is touched with love and goodness. From Juices to clean eats & well FREE WIFI so we can eat while we has hands down become our go to. 
The menu is filled with so many options not just JUICE!

You can make your own wrap or bowls but we always seem to get the GYRO wrap filled with all the goods! 

The wrap is actually gluten & dairy free and hand made in house & light wrapped around grilled chicken filled with flavor HUGE chunks of avacado and my favorite treat...roasted garbanzo beans!!! 

and don't think for a second that you will still be hungry afterwards...they give you a more then generous portion...let's just say we save all of our macros for this meal alone. Make sure to order the ALL green Everything while you are there too to drink your veggies! Let them know we sent you!!! ENJOY!

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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