Monday, May 09, 2016

LAZY QUICK #MealPrepSunday & Trader Joes Grocery Haul | 1stPhorm #Transphormation

Hi friends! NEW vlog is up and I thought I would come on here to share! Let's face it, we all get lazy and we are all looking for short cuts every once in a while. If there is anything Ihave learned in the past 3 years of this EAT CLEAN journey it is that no matter how hard you workout or how long you workout...if you don't nourish your body with the proper will START over EVERY SINGLE TIME. A balanced diet consisting of protein, veggies, and those GOOD carbs are well a necessity. 

NOT to mention the supplements like a multi-vitimin & Omega Fatty Acid. Mine are from 1stphorm You can find them HERE!
EVERY single meal should be providing you with a basic foundation and give you the energy and strength you need. 

Sadly, we don't all have time to MEAL PREP steam veggies, grill your chicken or prepare ANYTHING. SOMETIMES we have 5 minutes to get all those necessities in our body if that. SO Today I share my secret LAZY pickings at Trader Joes when you are in a pinch but still want to eat clean and well enjoy your food! You can find some of these items at other grocery stores too but hopefully this will help you and give you as you continue your EAT CLEAN journey! 
You can watch my Trader Joes Grocery Haul & What I eat in a day BELOW! Thank you for liking & Please subscribe to my channel for more MEALPREP ideas, Workouts, & My PREP for 1stPhorm Summer Smash 2016!!! 
Would love to see what you guys LOVE and what you guys buy when you are in a pinch! Make sure to TAG me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_ or Twitter @ShanaEmily Facebook @ShanaEmily


You can find all Supplements & Apparel as well as Free Shipping if you 
Visit my link

Don't forget there is still time to join my team for the Transphormation Challenge!
CHECK OUT THIS post for more information! 

JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

Follow me on
Instagram @ShanaEmily_
Facebook ShanaEmily
Youtube ShanaEmily
SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps 


  1. I love keeping up with your lifestyle journey because it inspires me so much and keeps me motivated on living a healthier life :) Thank you!

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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