Friday, July 08, 2016

Getting back up again

Outfit Details
Top: Hue Salon
Jeggings: American Eagle
BCBG Heels: Ross
Vintage Bolo tie: Hubby Grandpa ( I LOVE THIS THING)
Leather Bracelet: Some Stand in Israel
Dirty Hair: Courtesy of Mi life crisis right now
Pictures Courtesy of the hubby who is getting really good by the way

Hi friends!

What a week. Before I check in and catch you up on what has been going on I can't help but pray and think of all who have been affected by the recent shootings and madness. I have found myself speechless as to what is going on...what has been going on for a long time now the only difference is we have technology that is capturing it. Anyway that is that...

I know, if you follow me on here only then you see an occasional Thrifters Anonymous post, fitness post, and once in a blue moon an outfit post...if you follow me on my youtube channel ColorBlindFitness #ShanaEmily then well you haven't seen me at all.

My days have been going like this. 
Wake up
DROWN myself in coffee
Make breakfast which consists of egg whites oats or toast and daiya cheese take my multi vitamin and fish oil
you can follow me on MyFitness Pal if you wanna I am under ShanaEmily Link HERE 

Get ready for work
Get a disturbing phone call
Deal with fires
Drink more coffee
Run to my meetings
Run to more meetings
Forget to eat
Try to Eat 
Take my vitamins
Drink more coffee
DOWN water cuz I forgot to drink it
Glance at my phone and post to Instagram to release
Eat a Kashi bar cuz thats all I got
Yeah...not quite the example I want to keep. I haven't vlogged in a week and I might have dread locks soon.

It is the truth and sadly that is life...bad shit happens stress gets you down and you go into this downward spiral allowing for any outside negativity to eat at you and make choices you know are not getting you toward you goal. 

WELL. Friday is here and I am so done with that nonsense. the hardest part in this journey is what you do when you lose you motivation and "get off track" whatever that is for you...Coming back...finding that motivation within and reminding yourself of the goals you set is the hardest part...If you can get back on track and COME have already won...and the more you do it the sooner you snap out of it. It isn't easy...and lately it has sucked...but if I didn't share that you would think that when you lost your motivation that it was gone...

it isn't gone maybe you just need to set different goals or change the path!

Anyway wanted to share how I have been feeling and apologize for my absence. I have so many incredible things to share with you guys this month and I just have to get my head back on and focus! 

Shana Emily



  1. You're soooooooooooo right!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ƒThe motivation is there, you just have to find it again! Story of my life, although I have always been positive to everything but sometimes it is hard even for the positive-sprinkling-fairy that I am lol!!!! πŸ˜‚

  2. You are looking stunning. The combination of black, white and red is just perfect. It shows you have great fashion sense. I have a advice for, you can accessorize this outfit with tote bag or clutch bags.

  3. Great combination. I would like to suggest that while you are out in the sunny day so you should wear sunscreen in order to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

    melissa@revitol acnezine kit


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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