Thursday, August 04, 2016

Finding Faith: Pursuit of Happiness

Hi friends! My apologies for not posting last week, lots of personal issues to deal with, but this week things seem to be back on track. I've been working on a book of collaged elements and sayings inspired by Brave Girls Club. It's called "hello, believe in yourself.

The first page starts with a tab labeled, "I am free to make a change" and the page collage with Dear Authentic Me, free your soul, I am free to notice beauty, good fortune, and everything is going to work out beautifully. (Pass it on). There is a tab that opens, and inside are the things I am free to do that might not seem good for me. This was really a way of dropping judgements and allowing myself to not have to be "perfect" all the time. 

Giving myself the power to choose, knowing I'm not powerless in my choices. Good or bad I get to decide. That made me feel a little less enslaved to "bad decisions". I am free to numb myself out...even when it will keep things as they are. I am free to disappear for a while...even when others expect more from me. I am free to be selfish...even when others might not like me. I am free to be reckless...even though it might hurt me. I am free to blame...even though it would keep me stuck. I am free to eat junk food...even when I know it's not the right choice. I am free to walk away from it...even when others might reject me. I am free to shame...even when it might make things worse. I am free to resist...even though it might hurt my life. I am free to admit how I feel, I am free to give up, I am free to say no, I am free to say yes...even when I don't know how it will turn out.

The second page has a tab that reads, "I can make and keep boundaries". This is often a challenge for me. Elements collaged on this page include, I am free to ask for what I need, making boundaries is an act of love, you are worth taking care of, today I will be brave enough to enforce my boundaries, I can make self-care a habit instead of a luxury, I will protect my soul, ...even when others might get mad at me.

Page three has a tab "I will stay peaceful". The page reads, I will spread peace everywhere, I protect my peace, no one has the right to hurt you, I will behave in ways that keep my heart at peace, I will do what brings me peace of mind, bliss, and I can create peaceful places.

Page four is "I am free to speak up". I am free to let go, I am free to honor how I feel, she is doing her very best, it's all ok, I don't have to hold the world up, ...even when it seems too selfish.

Page five is labeled "I am free to live how I live". I am free to be who I am, I can connect deeply with others when I don't hide, you are good enough, it is so important to surround yourself with souls who believe in you, I can ask for help, and do not allow others to take advantage of your weaknesses.

I find collage to be an extremely therapeutic and meditative practice. Using chip board books, decorative papers, found objects and ephemera with pictures and sayings. It also gives me something to look at and ponder on days I need a little encouragement.

I leave with this thought...

Until next time!

Creatively yours,


1 comment

  1. Hi Shana, I am a recent fan of you and Edwina and enjoy your Thrifters Annonymous videos. I really like the idea of your personal "statement" journal, for those times when you need to remind yourself that you're more than what people think. I think that you're a great positive person and keep doing what you do best!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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