Friday, October 07, 2016

Vegas to San Francisco Day 1: Celebrating 10 years

 Hi friends! So I feel like a broken record..haha does that even mean anything to you youngins I feel like I just keep saying HI FRIENDS. I need to catch up I am behind I promise this I promise that...the fact is I don't know what my schedule will be tomorrow or the next day but I know that when I feel like sharing I will share. SO Here I am on a Friday evening editing and blogging and I feel like sharing! September 10th was our 10th anniversary! My hubby and I that is, and he had decided that we were taking a trip to San Francisco together. I was on board and well he knows how much I love Napa and Sonoma so we were off!

 The hotel we decided on was The Kimpton Sir Frances Drake largely due to my nagging and begging since they have a wine happy hour everyday promptly at 5pm and the swankiest decor with a hint of vintage and charm! We loved it since it was literally blocks away from China Town and in the heart of Union Square. There are only 400 or so rooms  and was built in 1928. There was an Italian restaurant in the hotel called Scala's Bistro and is literally one of the best restaurants we had been to inside of a hotel! More on that later but oh so to mention there is a CLUB on the top floor haha yes you heard me a club called the The Starlight Room...we never did make it up there I mean we are from Vegas so we were not looking for any clubs!

The weather was actually perfect when we arrived and we were hungry and ready to start our vacation! Our first stop was a small cocktail/SPEED DATING CENTRAL location haha ok it isn't called that but I swore it was a perfect place to meet up with an online date or something the menu was so unique and they were known for these punches...the place was called Novela and it was adorable.

Ask the server for their favorite punch taster and definitely try the hummus and the empanada...everything was delicious and the perfect appetizer!
After we decided we would go back to the hotel so I could layer more clothing haha I laughed because September is supposedly the hottest of the months here in San Francisco...yeah not so much. We headed to China Town picked up a few souvenirs

Fell in love with these beaded treasures!

 Will share on my Youtube channel all of what I got!

It was time for dinner! Adam was so excited to take me to this restaurant called the Stinking rose...The most amazing garlic EVERYTHING we also ordered some fish and couscous and shared it! The place is adorable and a great place for dinner..but watch out the portions are ridiculous! Just make sure to eat a lot of the garlic they bring out with the bread BEST PART about the place!

and what would a vacation be without a stop to Marshalls! haha always makes me feel at home :O)

Stay tuned for Day 2 where we got to go on a NAPA Sonoma Wine tour! 


Follow me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_, Facebook ShanaEmily, & Youtube ShanaEmily, SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps 


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