Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Vegas to St. Louis: Summer Smash Day 2 #Iam1stphorm

Hi friends! I am back with DAY 2 of Summer Smash in St. Louis with the +1st Phorm  Phamily! IT was so much fun and the hubby and I were definitely a little sad we were not bale to take part in the mud run but we made sure to be there to cheer everyone on!!!

 You can watch DAY 2 Part 1 HERE:

Everyone did awesome! haha Watcht he VLOG to see this guy in action!
As we were walking back to the car we noticed this building....ummm A WINERY???

 Cedar Lake Cellars was right there and we jumped on the chance to grab a glass of wine and some lunch!

 I highly recommend going there! It was a nice break and since were not dirty we didn't need to rush back and shower! haha next year might be different though! xoxo

and now for 1stphorm HeadQuarters!!! 
You can watch PART 2 of DAY 2 HERE:

The inside of the HQ was filled with 1stphorm tastings, photobooth fun and shopping for apparel!!

Right outside of the room was a small petting zoo which you know I ran to! haha this goat literally stole my heart!

This camel did as well!

I finally got to meet Andy Frisella! I was so nervous well if you watched my vlogs you know how much of a mess I was this whole trip...not sure why...since if you know me I am NOT SHY at all! haha but I just respect all of these individuals so much...he is just as funny sweet and caring as he seems...

A special custom protein was given to all of the attendees....they were personlized with a message!!! and if you haven't gotten your hands on this flavor! I never thought I would love root beer but man is this delicious! This is Phormula 1 I use this post workout and I like to turn it into some sort of slushee goodness!! Get your hands on it HERE...Free shipping with my link as well!!

It was just so nice to sit and take it all in!!!

Meeting others you follow on Instagram was so much fun and so crazy! 

I was so excited to finally meet Emily!!! You guys have heard me talk abotu her on the Vlog channel and on the blog! I have tried some of her recipes and she is amazing! Hoping to be working on a fun collaberation soon!!! Her cookbook was also just released!!

So much dancing!

and Tyler!! I finally got to meet Tyler the first one to reach out to me from 1stphorm!! He is behind all of the incredible videos you guys see!!!

The day was incredible and I was so happy to be able to share it with you! Whether you are thinking about going, have already gone or learning about 1stphorm I hope you enjoyed! Please email me if you have any questions or need anything!!

JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

Follow me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_, Facebook ShanaEmily, & Youtube ShanaEmily, SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps 



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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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