I have been doing spreadsheets all week. ALL morning and ALL night. I mean like
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 345
quick workout
watch Shameless
haha literally in that order.
You would thing this was a passion of mine. NOOOOO My fingers have had a workout and so has my laptop.
I am still STILL doing spreadsheets and found out that I also may not even get what I am working so hard for...and THEN BAM BREAKTHROUGH>>>> I realized that I would still do the same amount of work knowing I wouldn't win then if I knew I would win. And then I realized that is exactly what happened to me in 2012! You can read more about my journey HERE
A lot of you guys asked me what or how I got not only change the way I live eat workout but even get to the stage to compete and stage ready? UMMM I will tell you what I did!

I BASICALLY SAID..NO MATTER WHAT happens this week whether I lose 1lb or gain a 1lb or 2 I am going to work just as hard as I did the day before. I LITERALLY said this every single day. I remember doing a workout with my coach and she had us do sprints. I literally thought my ankle was going to explode and my lungs were going to fail...I was so embarrassed... when I got done I realized that while I hadn't beat the girls in front of me I just sprinted around the gym...last turned to first and the only difference was I just kept showing up and doing it again. There were days I would go sit in my car and cry. When I would run into friends who basically said GOOD LUCK on trying to build a booty, or lose your belly, or get muscle! But why not?

I realize we all have different things we have to face, ailments etc...but the one thing that we all have is the ability to keep going. For me it took 2 full years of dedication to really gain that muscle that just didn't disappear after 30 minutes or a burger and fries. for some of the girls...who shall not be names BAHAHA It took 15 minutes BUT WHATEVER haha

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Shana Emily
Shana Emily
Nice article..
ReplyDeleteSaving Empire - Let Us Save
I liked the old shana more