Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Introducing Melissa of #TeamLetEmHaveIt: 1stphorm #Transphormation Challenge Athlete

It is time for #TransphormationTuesday and time for me to introduce you to another member of the #TeamLetEmHaveIt Team!!!

I want to help as many people as possible with this challenge,I have put together a team to help hold each other accountable!
This challenge is 100% free and there are chances to win money, prizes, and trips all year long.
Take the Challenge with me and accept the CHANGE...we can do it together!
This is my direct link to the 2017 TransphormationChallenge Sign Up Page. JOIN MY TEAM!

Let me introduce you to Melissa!! Melissa has an incredible story and I have been wanting to share ever since I first met her here on online! She is actually an official ThriftersAnonymous member in case you didn't know I had a youtube channel all about fashion and shenanigans! But she found me on my other Youtube Channel where I share my ourney. We just hosted her here in Vegas and I was quickly inspired by who she is and how hard she has worked to get to where she is! I will let her tell her story but never in a million years did I think all this youtube and blogging would lead to lifelong friends and individuals who inspire us to go after all we have ever wanted!!! She also has a youtube channel which I know she hasn't posted in a while but lets show her some love so she can start again!!!

NAME: Melissa Victoria Smith
AGE: 32
From: Riverside, California
DATE STARTED: Started my journey in 6/2012 when I quit smoking and started group therapy sessions.
  I had bariatric surgery, the gastric sleeve, 11/20/2014.
WEIGHT When STARTED: 289lbs.
WEIGHT NOW: Lowest weight 182.2 hit 12/2015, current weight 201. Now that I’m further out from surgery, to maintain my weight loss, I must commit to my new lifestyle. 
How did you find out about the 1stphorm #Transphormation Challenge? You! I have been following your journey ever since I decided to change my life. I’m thankful that you introduce 1st Phorm to me as they have provided me motivation and a trust in a brand where supplementation is so important. 
How did you find me?Anything that inspired you specifically?
I found you when I searched Food Hauls, Fitness, and Meal Preps on YouTube. I think the first video I watched of yours was your Costco Vlog with “PE”. I WAS HOOKED, you two were hilarious which eventually lead me to Thrifters Anonymous.
I was so inspired by watching your stage preps and following your journey. I appreciate your honesty and transparency in everything you do. I appreciate that you share your successes and failures to helps us realize that even though our paths might be different our destinations are the same, to live a happy and healthy life.  You’ve also taught me that together we find strength to face any challenge and together we can be more successful.

What motivated you to start?
I was almost 30, at age 28 and found myself obese, depressed, prediabetic, unmotivated, and a smoker going nowhere. I was tired of waiting for the life I wanted to start. I was tired of being tired, and knew I had to make a change if I wanted the enjoy the rest of it.
What was your fear going into the challenge?
My biggest fear is “not finishing what I started”. This was, and still is, a life lesson I struggle with. I tend to get in my own way and self-sabotage my own success. I struggle with self-worth and vulnerability. I struggle with trusting others and allowing myself to rely on them.
How do you think you overcame that fear?
I’ve worked with a therapist and support groups for the past 4 years now. I’ve implemented new habits and learned to be more mindful in my actions. Mindfulness is a key factor in my success. It reminds me to be present, accountable, focus on my goals and remember what it is that is most important to me.

Did you think about quitting?
All the time! This is the mental battle. You must practice discipline with your life. I’ve realized that I have a 5-year-old mentality at times that wants to be pleased and given everything it wants, when it wants. As a little child, I must speak to it slowly, gently, and explain why we can’t have what we want all the time. Sometimes we must do things that we need to do and not the thing we want to do. I must remind the child of the goal, the focus on why we are here. I know that I can eventually great those thing I want but it must be worked for, earned.  
Why didn't you quit?
Oh, I admit, I have at times but the trick is to get back up, brush yourself off and move forward. Don’t dwell on the failures, acknowledge them, accept them for what they are, thank me for the lesson and wish them well on their way.
What would you say you love most about how your life has changed since you started?
Loving my life, loving myself, and loving the people I have in my life who support me and my journey.

What are you goals for the next 12 weeks?
My goal is to lose 20 lbs and lose 3-5% bodyfat. I also want to start up my YouTube channel and Social Media again so I can share my life with others, help inspire them. I run my own support group and found that speaking to others and sharing information makes me happy and feel validated.
What does your typical day of eating consist of Give me a breakdown of a full day?
·         Breakfast
o   2 cups of coffee
o   Eggs
o   Salsa
·         Snack
o   Yogurt
·          Lunch
o   Fish or Chicken
o   Steamed Veggie
o   Sweet Potato
·         Snack
§  Lunch Meat and String Cheese
·         Dinner
o   Fish or Chicken
o   Steamed Veggie
o   Sweet Potato
What is your favorite Supplement STACK right now with 1stphorm?
·         Level 1 Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup – makes great pancake!
·         Phormula 1 Juicy Watermelon
·         Megawatt Watermelon – Cant live without my MegaWatt, love Blue Raspberry too!
·         M Factor
·         Ignition
·         Full Mega
What is your favorite go to EAT CLEAN snack? recipe?
 What does your workout split look like? 
I work out 3-5 times per week.
I work with a trainer Tuesdays and Thursdays, Tuesdays are lower body and Thursdays are upper body. I do a step class on Wednesdays with friends and a dog walk on Sundays with my mom.
How much cardio do you do a day?
I only do 30 mins of cardio 3 times per week on Monday, Tues, and Thurs.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining the 1stphorm Transphormation challenge or just any challenge in general? Advice? 
I tell people to get involved. I believe, with anything in life, things are better when you do them in a group so whether you participate in walking group at work, meet friends at the gym, get a trainer, follow groups on social media, BE INVOLVED.
1st Phorm gives a great platform for people to be involved, stay motivated, and supply great products to maximize your results from all your hard work. They provide reliable information and educate the importance of supplementation on your fitness journey.

You started sharing your journey on YouTube and even in the private FACEBOOK group. how would you say this has helped you through your journey?
I started my YouTube Channel to help motivate others and provide information to those who decide to go through the surgery. When I was starting my journey, I found there wasn’t a lot of information on YouTube. I hate that I stopped and I do want to get started again. I, again, get in my own way and talk myself out of it; I don’t know what to say, I don’t have the right equipment, I don’t know how to edit, blah blah blah. But I know I have a special niche and I know there are people looking for information that I can help.  
Lastly, what are you most excited about doing that maybe you would not have done before starting this journey?
I’m looking forward in challenging myself more and seeing how far I can go. I really want to explore my full potential. I want to expand my channel and start a career in motivating and inspiring others. I would love to expand my support group and my influence in the Bariatric World. This community is growing more and more and I want to be a positive part of it.
The opportunity you and Edwina gave me to come spend the day shopping and hanging with you was something I never imaged would happen. I would have never even tried because I wouldn’t have had faith that it would happen to me. Now, I take advantage of every opportunity and never take a day for granted. Thank you to you both for re-motivating me and giving focus again.
More of these Shenanigans to come on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL ThriftersAnonymous you can find Edwina and I there weekly!! 
GOALS for this Challenge?
Weight Goals - 20% body fat within one year
Water - Drink at least ½ gallon every day (64 oz)
Carb Intake - 100g carbs or less per day
Exercise – Weightlift 1 hour 5 times per week, Cardio 30 min 5 times per week
Vitamins – Take Multi, Calcium, Vit D, Omega/Fish Oil daily
Supplements – Use my supplements daily!
Meal Prep once per week
Journaling every day
Monthly Check In
Business Goals – write a business plan, find affiliates, restart YouTube videos, start Snapchats
Support Group – find more vendors and business partners
THANK YOU for sharing your story with us Melissa! I can't wait to watch you win this challenge and inspire so many in your path!!! Love you girl!! haha and you better be wearing that Navajo 80's Jean Chic soon!!! Keep pushing and ALWAYS SAY YES!!! You got this!!

VISIT  for all supplements and apparel! Free shipping with this link 
Thank you for supporting me!! love you all!

JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

Follow me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_, Facebook ShanaEmily, & Youtube ShanaEmily, SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps I will be vlogging daily and taking you on my personal transphormation the rest of this year! I will be posting before pics AGAIN so stay tuned! you can also subscribe to my blog by adding your email to see when a new blog post is live!

I am going to Answer more questions! EMAIL me at and you can also check out the Frequently Asked Questions page on 1stphorms site! HERE



  1. Thank you Shana for sharing my story <3

    1. Thank you for kicking ass. You have inspired me to get my groove back! Seriously we didn't get to talk as much as I would like but you inspired me so .much it was so cool to finally meet you it won't be the last time when you win this challenge we will celebrate!!

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THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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