Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Lingerie for the lazy

Outfit Details
Vintage Sweater: Thrifted Goodwill inside Boulevard
Jeggings: American Eagle
Booties: Marshalls
Lace Waist with Garter Fishnet: c/o Berkshire
Lace Choker: SwapMeet
Indian Jewelry Studs: Garlands Jewelry
Special thanks to P.E for snapping some quick pics of me before the sun went down!

I feel like a broken record but the last time I blogged an outfit I feel like I was all excited to blog more. Truthfully by the time I get home the sun is down and my weekends have turned into a work day for me. I recently got back from a trip to Sedona in Arizona and I can't wait to share my trip but more importantly show you my trip. Not only did I get to spend some much needed time with two of my best friends but I got to really work on me. So hopefully I can work in my VLOGS of my trip soon but until then let me share an outfit I recently wore when Edwina and I guest hosted on the www. network! It was pretty cold and still is chilly here in Vegas but I wanted to wear my ripped up jeans so I thought I would spice it up a bit! 

Lately I have had a an obsession with tights but more so lingerie for the lazy I call it. haha If you saw our SWAPMEET Come Thrifting With Us you would have seen I purchased this garter set that is basically a one piece. Yep. you heard straps or attachments and lets face it no one has time for that! haha the fact that I can literally just have them on in one swoop means that I am more likely to wear it. But even more exciting was the fact that I was sent a few more styles recently and I have loved them!! It has a lace waist with garters ATTACHED to lace top stockings right?Normally tights are way to short for me as I am tall but these black fishnets were amazing! I lOVE them peeping through the jeans I feel like it adds a sexy edge I want to try it with a different color next! You can see by the picture below! SO MUCH more comfortable than full on tights and well without making this an R rated blog post you can see that it is super sexy! 

Not to mention I danced Friday night in Vegas for First Friday inside SkinCity and they did not even snag! as you can see I danced with no shoes or socks over them haha it was like a true test! they are nice and thick which I loved and really held up and were so much more comfortable to be honest! 

I feel like the red are going to be really pretty those are a thigh high but I love that you can not see any lines on the toes and the shimmers might be fun also! Special Thank you to Berkshire for my new obsession! 

till next time I will share a few more pieces I am loving at the moment! Till next time! 

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  1. Nice post! You look stunning. i really like the sweater.


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