Happy Thursday friends!
I have been WAITING for this post for like 3 months now. haha all the other participants are posting their painting progress, demolishing progress haha and I am over like hey guys!! I did all my shopping! but here we are!
Just a quick recap..I entered this challenge back in January when we found out we were pregnant with our 2nd. I was going to design the nursery & I was so excited!! Sadly we lost the baby in February & decided that we would still try for a 2nd so I was going to create a new office for myself and my hubby. A space that not only we can get creative, get some work done but have guests over or catch a quick nap! I know most of the particpants are designers or aspiring designers so THRIFTING isn't exactly what they are doing for most of their pieces but I had to stay true to ME...don't get me wrong I have some items coming in but most of the pieces will either be from my home, from family antiques etc or a new find! SO... Back in February I began searching for inspiration and some of the items that I really needed!
See my things to buy list below!
As you can see I have checked off quite a bit haha as a matter of fact the only thing I have really done and DONE well I might add is SHOP haha more like thrift. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen back in February I found THIS desk! I mentioned it last week in WEEK 2 progress but I found it at one of my favorite antique stores in Vegas....Not Just Antiques. You guys have heard me speak about it so much on Thrifters Anonymous Youtube Channel but I got quite a bit from there!
This vintage English Writing Table caught my eye & Instantly knew it would be perfect for this office! It has kind of guided me in how I wanted this room to feel...you know what I mean..like classy and moddy & a little boujie. I found something similar online for over $2,000 and I paid $200 at Not Just Antiques! SCORE! Check out my instagram I will be posting the video I filmed of me finding the desk with Edwina and picking it up!!!
Next up was a sleeper sofa. you guys I almost...ALMOST paid $5,000 for this green custom made sofa ...I LOVE IT.... BUT then reality set in and I want a backyard & not to spend $5,000 on a sofa I decided to search Facebook Marketplace!
It was slim pickings for a NEW Sleeper SOFA that wasn't ugly or looked totally used...Leather was almost impossible and GREEN leather was non existent. I search for like 3 weeks until I saw this one...
I know...it is NOT green and IT Isn't a Chesterfield haha and it IS NOT leather either. It was $150 you guys and literally had never been used. My excitement of how new it was and cheap it was took over and I got the well might as well buy it it is so cheap I can make it work feeling and got home. I even made a mood board with it haha I know.
I didn't love it...but whatever...it was also too big...THEN...an alert came on my phone and THIS popped up on facebook marketplace....

I almost missed my exit as I was on my way to a really bug meeting and I freaked out. THIS COUCH spoke to me. It resembled a vase I remember my mom having in her flower shop growing up. you guys...this couch was gorgeous and then I saw SHE WAS A SLEEPER!!!!!!!! A Vintage, Boho, Chic, Vintage SLEEPER for wait for it
. Yep not $5,000 but $100....
So I did what any normal Thrift ADDICT would do.
I told the girl I want it SAVE it for me I will be there tonight. haha
She told me that a lady from LA was gonna drive down and pay her $500 for it...Thank you to my dad who grabbed his trailer and ran to this womens house to grab it! It was in PERFECT condition like never been used even the sleeper was new though I need to buy a new mattress crap...I need to add that to my list! to make it more comfortable!
Next up we have some items from Vintage Market Days a last minute run prior to closing...like 30 minutes prior to closing I grabbed these Corbels! They are gorgeous and I immediately knew that I wanted to use them in this space! The two crown moldings are from there as well as some of the vintage books, vintage pillow made out of vintage material and some brass!
Lastly I needed some office chairs..I wanted it to be green leather since I really want to pull that color in but that was also hard. This one is over $600 haha
So...I saw these ones on Facebook Marketplace!
These popped up at $50 a piece and I knew they would be perfect!
I went there for one...and then when I got it I decided I needed the other one and shared it and you guys voted!!! and went and got it the next day! Don't worry I don't think I will be painting these green I did think about it though haha I didn't know one of them had an arm that was broken so just need to repair it but they are really nice! Traditional and classic just what I needed! They fit right under the desks as well!
Lastly I went to Goodwill as well and FOUND this beautiful Korean Tea Table...I asked if I should get it and you guys voted yes and also I asked what I should do with it...make it art or make it a taller table! Here are the votes...what do you guys think!
As you can see it was close...what do you guys think I should do with it?
In addition to thrifting I am also shopping my home...I have some fun projects coming but until then I am going to bring the light I got from West Elm a few years ago in our future nursery into this space. What do you think?
I think it will add some modern and I like the gold which will go perfectly with this mirror that Edwina and I found on Storage Wars! I never wanted to sell it and Edwina knew that haha in the end we decided I would bring it home so I am thinking above the couch? thoughts?
A little Vintage Hollywood Regency for ya? haha I know I mix more styles than anyone should but that is ME haha so yeah
So Just wanted to share some of the shopping process and how my mind was working! Since reveal day is still like 5 weeks away I will keep some of the details secret from my trips but wanted to share some of the major pieces that you will be seeing a lot more of!!
NEXT week I will have quite a bit to share so some of it will probably get leaked on Instagram cuz I won't be able to contain my excitement! I also need your help and votes on items so
See you next Thursday!
Follow me @Shanaemily_ on Instagram for more details!
I can't wait to see how it all turns out!! You found some many really unique items and that's why I LOVE thrifting/second hand!
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