Wednesday, April 27, 2022

WEEK 4: The Vintage & thrifted finds I will be using & PROGRESS!

Well, it is WEEK 4 time to start this challenge. Just me in my vintage house dress haha I know I keep looking at everyone's progress & lets just say most are getting things wrapped up and I'm over here like look I moved some furniture and started smoothing the walls! haha ok I am not smoothing the walls. While my hubby and I are more than capable our lifestyle right now is just too busy to even do the smallest of things. I have a few things we will be doing. I have a fun hack we are trying this weekend so  stay tuned. Here is where the space is today!

Oh and you can check out everyone else's HERE!

SO It is already looking amazing which is a good sign! So let's chat re upholstering and fabric and colors and some of my vintage finds that I want to use in this challenge! 
FIRST is my grandmas couches.She had these in formal living room with plastic on top. I LOVED THEM as a child and I love them today. The fabric is actually beautiful but they have been used and loved and it is time for a new look! 
This is the large one. THIS is the color I am leaning towards. Saw this when I was filming STORAGE WARS a few years back.
I am thinking I will keep the wood dark but this fabric and color!! 

I also have this Tigers Wood chest from my aunt. I LOVE the wood but it needs some love. I am no wood expert so this is going to take some research but I have some plans for this we shall see. 
Here are some inspo 

Now I want to keep the integrity but I need it to be functional as well. I really need to this on this. This will go in the entry way! 
This is a needle point my mom did that is now at the church in North Vista Hospital. I will be attempting to paint this portrait! 

These incredible chairs I found at Deseret Industries for wait for it. $7 They have rams heads on them and they are stunning. With my Aries son I thought these would be perfect at the end of my grandfathers dining table I am also keeping. I still need to decide on the fabric !

This chair is giving me life and inspo for these chairs but I also love the gold and black! 

Not the best pic but this was handed down from my grandma to to my mom and dad. Marble top with a brass little boy. I LOVE IT I don't know how to remove a stain from marble I think that is gonna be impossible so a doily may have to cut it but I do want to use this! 

This mirror. This used to be in the entry way of my nanas house. I LOVED this mirror. It was then moved to the living room. I am still toying with where to move it but it will be used! 

Picked this up at an estate sale. Not sure if it will make the cut but I LOVE IT

This candle holder picked up at Goodwill!

Might use this antique folding trey passed down from Adam's grandma

I also LOVE these vintage lamps I picked up..THEY willbe going in the space and inspired the green!I have 2 of these I found at Vintage Market days over a month ago! 

Oh and remember this from my first challenge? Goodwill find Japanese tea table... yeah I have some big plans for this also!!! EEEK ok I am getting excited! 

I have a lot more! But this was just a preview of what I am looking to use! You can follow along on Instagram as I transform these!

Special thank you to the One Room Challenge and Apartment Therapy. I NEED this now more than ever. I feel like every time I do one of these I am going through something pretty emotional. Will share more but until then! I NEED your help on Instagram! See you there! 





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