Tuesday, October 01, 2024

One Room Challenge WEEK 1: NY Mid-Century Eclectic Kids Bathroom

It is October 2nd 2024. HOW. HOW IS IT OCTOBER 2024. The last post I made was THIS gorgeous Entry way in our OLD home. Yep. you heard that right. WE MOVED. Well Sort of. More on that. It has been a hell of a year since we moved in 2023. Long story short...we moved, I went in for my Embryo transfer and it failed in December. I was left to once again pick up the pieces in silence. If anyone has gone through multiple miscarriages, IVF, and well LIFE..than you know what I a mean. I had gained a good 25lbs and moving over 17 years of STUFF was well absolutely OVERWHELMING. But, I am ok. I will be ok. My husband, my son, my sister, my brother in law, my father and my best friends have been there for me through it all and I am forever thankful you know who you are! 

Anyway, How do I even begin...sadness was not even the right way to explain how I felt moving into this new home..I know...why the hell am I sad. I should be blessed and elated and all the things...it is literally our DREAM HOME and I am about 22 steps away from my best friend ( my sister ) The thought of the additional bedroom becoming a gym rather than a nursery just broke me and I found myself not even wanting to go into the home. How can I visualize a home without the baby I had bean visualizing over the last 3 years. 

Here we are October, and the house is slowly starting to feel like a home. I feel a new sense of freedom letting go of what it was all supposed to look like and I am ready to dive into what will be. If you follow along on my Instagram I will probably share more there on BEFORE of the home and man was it a BEFORE! While we have done so much I will be going through room by room and hopefully sharing the journey to remodel this mid century Eichler inspired A frame home here in Las Vegas! 

I am also going to be introducing someone very special who I will be working with...and when I say I feel like god helped me in bringing him in our lives...he has been an angel! More to come on him in Week 2, so stay tuned!!!

SO, here we are WEEK 1 of the FALL ONE ROOM CHALLENGE! THIS is the start to what I think is the biggest challenge yet...we never did much renovation mostly just painting and building..but this time around the project could not be any more complicated! haha I will go into it more on my instagram and probably my youtube, but this beautiful home just needed so much love. IF you know me you know my love for OLD and vintage so I was down to keep as much as possible...but after inspections and well quite frenkly us sitting in the space we realized that the plumbing, the electricity, the roof the installation, EVERYTHING need to be replaced, gutted and put back together. I know. We didn't have a blue toilet or I would have kept it!! So we literally built this from scratch with the layout pretty much staying as is! We will be putting up walls, floors, shower, toilet, vanity, lighting ...haha basically EVERYTHING! 

Hoping to work with some amazing companies more to come on that! 

So...here are some inspirations I have had in addition to my son's vision whose bathroom this is! 


My vision for this bathroom is a mix of mid century , as this home was built in 1963, as well as some modern elements. Honestly, Zev spent some time with me in NY when I was going through IVF and during this time he was OBSESSED with Spiderman and all things New York City! So I am trying to pull some of that into this! If you know me the art work will probably change and even the color of the tile but it is a good start. 

  • So I started with the flooring as that was what I took from all of the NEW YORK bathrooms! I came across THIS bathroom and I just LOVED the mix of the blue ( which is what Zev wanted) and the black and white flooring...plus I LOVE the herringbone! 

  • As far as the Vanity...while I loved this metal I really wanted to incorporate wood to mix in that mid century modern vibe. I was trying to do maybe a vintage dresser but the space we have is literally EXACTLY 72 inches and I am just not finding anything but THIS was the inspiration!!
  • Fixtures- So I have gone back and forth with black, gold, brass..but since we had to do the plumbing so quickly without having an actual design, yes I am aware this is backwards haha wait till you see how we did everything haha we decided on brass a brushed brass is what we are thinking. The brass on the blue tile is what I am loving. Hoping to be working with a company on the vanity faucets and fixtures for the bathroom we shall see! 
  • Color- So I mentioned blue...that is the main theme haha it is just deciding on the tile, does it fit into the budget, can we get it in time etc etc. Painting the walls probably a warm white and THIS blue tile from Studio DIY I just love her use of color, it just popped but I am thinking not only is it hard to find but it just may not be affordable! 
  • I want to add Wallpaper. I know. It is a lot but I don't care haha I just haven't figured out what wallpaper I want to add and how...so we will come up with that together k? K.

So ultimately the goal is to end up with a gorgeous, NY Mid century, Avenger Filled, Eclectic bathroom for my son & well my future child...I will put it out there..since when I started this blog it was always about manifesting my life anyway what do I have to lose! 

Here are some BEFORE shots after we had to gut it...I do have a walk through video that I will share on Instagram if you are interested! @SHANAEMILY_

I will share more on why we moved and more on. This special 1963 Eichler inspired home...but let's chat about our first project ! 

This is the entrance

This is where the vanity and sinks would go

We are also going to replace this window... but I want to keep the vanity windows I love them! 

After taking some of the ideas here is what the mood board looks like NOW...haha I am not a professional designer so this will change... but wait until I introduce my special guest next week....

I can not wait to be back on here regularly. And I can not wait to share with you our week one wrap up next week!! Make sure to check back as I will be updating every week and more on INSTAGRAM


1 comment

  1. So excited for you! Can’t wait to see how this turns out!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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