Friday, July 22, 2011

Comment of the Week! Thanks Azu! July 22, 2011

So in case you missed last Friday's Comment of the Week check it out here! In honor of all of the amazing new friends I have met, I have decided to feature one of you who made me smile or laugh throughout the week. I really can't thank everyone enough for their support especially when I get all sappy or need to release some ANGER! I love all of you!

So this weeks comment of the week goes to...
Raven Haired Doll

Bloggerazu said...

LOL @ the butt kisses. That's why I don't watch Reality TV shows anymore. All you see are butt kisses and butt hugs. And in the Kardashians' case...all you see are butts. Big ol' fake ones. got a little side tracked there. I meant to just say that you look fabulous, as usual. I'm really liking this outfit. It's like a doable pin up. A pin up outfit that doesn't look cartoony or like a get up. Well done!

PS. I totally agree with you on the soul mate thing! I'm glad you found what sounds like a wonderful mate :)

July 19, 2011 12:27 AM
Funny Comments!

Well, I am glad I am not the only one that notices butt kisses...This was in reference to the Bachelorette for those of you who didn't see this post...Azu...thank you for always leaving the sweetest comment and this week one to make me smile! Kim Kardashian doesn't have a fake butt..I watched the episode of her getting an x-ray must be real haha and when you said I looked like  a pin up I hadn't even thought about that! I did find myself a "soulmate" things are good :O)

Hey Everyone check out Azu's blog...she has the cutest style and I am not sure where she is from but she is always tagging clothes from ASOS...I AM dying to buy something from there!! Help me out Azu!

Have a wonderful weekend...and sorry for the lack of post yesterday...the hubby is helping me with a special project and we have been super will get to see it soon!!!

oh and don't forget to vote on the poll on the left hand side...let me know which department you want to see first!!!



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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