Monday, January 13, 2014

Thrifters Anonymous Link Up! Come shopping with us at Savers!

Thrifters Anonymous Members of the  Week is Lindsey of
Thrift and Shout
{Banana Republic cashmere sweater: thrift $4,Forever 21 jeans: thrift $5,Target shoes:thrift $4,clutch: thrift $2 
Total Cost: $15}

Lindsey is not new to Thrifters Anonymous...and I just love love her style...When I saw this monochromatic look I just loved it! not to mention this outfit is 100% thrifted...going into the new year strong! haha LOVEgrey and I too have never owned anything cashmere Lindsey!!! Thanks for always sharing go on over to Thrift and Shout she has an incredible style and I love seeing her recent finds!!!If you missed last weeks Thrifters Anonymous you cancheck it our HERE! Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel where you can go thrifting withe me...I will be updating videos soon!Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM!!! I always try to post some finds out and about when I can...@colorblindblog

Soooo A couple of weeks ago I had planned a Thrifters Anonymous Etravaganza for Edwina's birthday! I filmed the whole can see us shop and try on and laugh our butts off below!

This trip was filled with some awesome finds...

First stop was the hats....we were obsessed with the hats!!! haha this one had ears!
a tail...

haha are you kidding me with these vests?
This dress fit her like a glove...we passed on it..but it was super sexy and vintage...there were buttons all up the arm!

YES. This is a bodysuit haha

Some things just didn't fit right haha

embellished collar!
haha booty!
haha not sure...

THE. BEST. Cardigan. EVER.

Ellen Tracy Polka dot pants!

Thanks for Linking Up!
 Now it is you turn!
 If you have a thrifted item, a sale item, or something you can help others save money or time on from this past week, Link up to Thrifters Anonymous every MONDAY and you will have a chance to be featured! Let's be real folks...who doesn't want to see what others are doing to save money, or even how they are letting their creativity amaze us. Oh and not to mention that it's just a cool club and there are no rules, so I won't punish you if you don't want to post my button...I mean it is anonymous right? Thank you and see you every Monday!

Hi, My Name is {Your Name HERE} I am addicted to Thrifting!
Thrifters Anonymous
Here is how it works...

  • In the "Link it to" section, leave a link to one specific Thrifters Anonymous post from the past week or week prior...doesn't matter...

  • In the "Title" section, tell me what was thrifted cuz you were super excited about your outfit or new couch . An example would be "Thrifted Belt, handmade skirt, & shoes on sale!

  • That's all...and there is no judgement here...everything is worthy...and believe me once you link up you are officially a Thrifters Anonymous Member...FOR EVA..ha ha ok..or as long as I am doing this madness..

  • If you miss the link up or do not have a blog Link up to my facebook and share! I would love to see your finds and meet you!
  • You can also check out my Youtube channel for Hauls, stylings, and more!


  1. I'm intrigued by that jumpsuit!

    Love Lindsey's blog and her style. Great monochromatic look!

  2. I'm finally rejoining the blogging world and am so excited to see all your thrifting posts again! I'll be back doing my 'Thursdays are for Thrifters' link up starting this week and would love for you to come join me!

    Brass in Pocket Blog

  3. Congrats to Lindsey!

    You ladies looked like you had such a fun time at Savers. I wish there's one here in Sacramento.

    Why didn't you buy the vests?! That's like the find of the century! Haha! Love the plaid skirt and the black long sleeves with a snake(?) on one shoulder.

  4. You two are having way too much fun...said no one!

    I just got home from Value Village, 1/2 price sale up here, and I bought a hat too!

    Thanks for hosting! Off to link up my thrifted outfit.

  5. You all found some GREAT items. Idk which is my fave, lol. Great pic for thrifter of week. I LOVE Lindsey's style!


  6. Wow - what a wonderful location! You guys had a fantastic time and I loved most of the finds, the black dress with the button sleeves would have definitely been in my cart!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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