Monday, March 21, 2011

Flowers can be business casual...

Day 29

Day 29

Day 29

Day 29

Day 29

Day 29
Shoes: Joey Savers, Pants: Banana Republic Savers, Necklace: Savers, Jacket: H&M, Shirt: H&M

I am officially over it...haha Photographer Extraordinaire asked me to pose and here is what I did for a good 5 minutes until I snapped out of it...oh and I also forgot my camera again...I'm getting on my own nerves! I mean I look like I am selling watches on the street corner in one of these pics...haha The other one is a fish face in case you were wondering..haha
Day 29Day 28
Day 28Day 28

So I first want to apologize for such  a deep post on Friday...I guess I didn't intend to do that it just went that I promise this post is strictly about fashion, my silliness, and perhaps a little whining. As I wind down I have many thoughts about this shirt that I never wore prior to this challenge...I really love it..I love how I can be all boring and get ready for work and put this top on and I am feeling so happy and colorful...I also love my jewelry, I have a lot of it and I really have loved my accessories even more after this challenge...there were days I would decide I was wearing a certain piece and my outfit would center around that...I swear..if you are ever stuck and you just can not decide what to wear..pick earrings or a necklace, a statement piece, and then go from there. It is amazing how your brain switches and starts pairing different colors and items you would have never thought..i.e. this chunky necklace! In this case, simple was better..

Our weekend was great minus the 20 degree drop in temperature and crazy winds. Went out on Saturday night and had a blast...felt like I was 21 again...except when I woke up...I felt 31....and a little guilty haha Finished a dresser with my sister, the first of many projects we are doing to help bring color into her home and revamp some old furniture before and after pics coming soon!

Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. SO cute, Shana! I totally agree with the flowers! Flowers ALWAYS cheer me up..whether or not they are on my clothes or in a vase. ;) And don't apologize for your last post. It was a great, positive message that everyone can benefit from. :)

  2. hahaha that picture collage made me giggle... probably because that's what all my pics look like!


  3. Yes, flowers CAN be business casual! You look awesome, I really love that top.

    I agree so much about the accessories! That's exactly how I feel, so it's a shame that my dress code doesn't really allow for jewelry at all. :(

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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