Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Leshanah tovah tikateiv veteichateim..

haha yeah my sister is wearing that

My Dad's Vegatable Soup is AMAAAAZINGGGG
Getting ready to make the soup!


Haha ...oh sister...Nothing like Express and Moccasins..
Sister mixing the spices!
Outfit Details:
Innapropriate Mrs. Clause Apron: NO CLUE haha
Moccasins are dads...
We all look ridiculous...
I made my dad wear the chef hat haha
We're cookin up some goodness over at dad's house,and I am sooo excited! Well, mainly to eat the goodness...but also to get my hands on how to MAKE the dad was a chef..and he can COOK...but that's the problem...there are NO recipes...NONE...haha I think that's why it tastes so good...he really makes it from his heart...but that does diddly squat for my sister and I...I mean a sprinkle to most means a SPRINKLE...but my dad's sprinkle of cumin was well..what I would call 2 tablespoons haha anyway...

Rosh Hashanah is a two-day Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means the "Head of the Year," and is really the beginning of the Jewish year...

This is where I get to ask G-d for any forgiveness..not that I did anything wrong haha...but it  is truly a's like I get to start over...which is totally freeing and always seems to come at the perfect time. Tonight we get to eat and share with friends and family. Oh, and my grandpa is going to join us which is even more special!

...and that was your  lesson for the day...

May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!!!



  1. Have a delicious and wonderful holiday celebration:) My mother-in-law and husband cook this way as well and it is impossible to remake anything that they create.


  2. I appreciate the lessons, so, keep 'em coming, please!

  3. Hi Shana,

    Happy New Year! I just discovered you and though I'm quite a bit older (note the name) I love fashion and about 90% of my wardrobe is thrifted.

    I'll be checking back often and looking cloesly for the names of the store you shop at because I'm in Vegas too!

    Goodwill is a favorite but sometimes they're crazy with their pricing, so definitely looking to expand my repertoire!

  4. I love that you stay true to your religion and your family roots. I sort of want to be adopted by your fam.....

    Get Up & Go

  5. You may think you look ridiculous, but I think you look like a family who knows how to have a good time! Aprons included. :)


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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