Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Goodwill Come Thrifting With Us #GetYourBlueOn

Hi friends!! I know I blog and then I go on hiatus! I am very behind as per usual but I have a schedule now and I will be posting at minimum 3 times a week my next post is featuring what is in my gym bag and some of my favorite gym clothes etc! Until then let's catch up on Thrifters Anonymous shall we? 

Edwina and I have been on a filming roll and we are loving all of the feedback we recently hit 20,000 subscribers on Youtube, which I know isn't a whole lot...but it feels like a tight family of Addicts and we are so grateful for all of you!!!!!! So thank you for subscribing ,liking, and sharing our love of fashion and thrifting all things vintage!!

Recently we took a visit to the brand new Goodwill on Centennial here in Vegas and it well was amazing! One of our favorite places by far to get Oskie dresses from now on!

 If you want to check out the amazing dress section, the furniture and all that is inside check out our latest Come Thrifting with Us Vlogs below!!!

The Hunt Part 1

The Hunt Part 2

The Dressing Room Part 1

We have a Haul video coming very soon but we are so excited that we will be at this years BLUE Party!! and we want to see all of you there!!It is going to be so much fun.... a fashion show, local artists, and well us! haha We will be there rocking our blue finds from the goodwill and we can not wait to meet any of you who live here in Vegas!!! Make sure to get your tickets!!



  1. I was watching the Finale video last night before bed and it was very difficult to stifle the giggles that kept trying to escape while my husband slept beside me. SOOO glad you found the runaway chicken tender!!

  2. Hope you guys have enough fun at the blue party for all of us too far away to make it! Thanks for all the laughter and style advice!

  3. I love your videos you guys make thifting fun. When you guys are going to make a look book with all those finds?


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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