Wednesday, December 02, 2015

#WhatWeWore Woodwatches PLUS a Giveaway!

Hi friends!
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I can't believe it is December this year definitely went by quickly...with all of the exciting projects I am so excited to share our latest What We Wore Video and special Giveaway for all of you!!! Check out what We Wore featuring our +JORD Wood Watches  and read below for a special Giveaway and discount for all of you!!!

Here is our latest Youtube video!! thank you all for subscribing and sharing!! xoxo

Outfit Details
ThriftersAnonymous Sweater: Designed by me! You can order it here!
American Eagle Jeggings
Zara Booties
Louisa Voisine Hat 
Earrings: Thrifted Savers
Jord Woodwatch 94A Series in Dark SandalWood

Outfit Details
ThriftersAnonymous T-Shirt: HERE
Lululemon Leggings
Nikes: Nordstrom Rack
Coach Bag: Vintage Etsy
Jord WoodWatch Delmar Series Dark SandalWood and Blue Carbon

If you watched our video then you know it is GIVEAWAY time!!! A special thank you to JORD for this giveaway for all of our subscribers! We just fell in love with this watches! When I was first contacted to review and style this watch I was hesitant as I didn't really wear watches...well that was until I got my first Jord Wood Watch. 

I loved how unique they were, I loved the men's style especially. What I loved most about Jord was the story behind the watches. If you read a little about their story you will see they really design these watches for those who value not only a beautiful timepiece but sustainability. Let's face it...if you watched our video and know just a little about my style and what I look for in anything I buy It was like love at first Jord watch haha I know I have an eclectic  style but I know you guys are going to fall in love as much as I did! You can see how I styled it HERE and HERE

Here are the two watched that Edwina and I chose!!
Image result for jord logo

The one on the left is mine and is part of the 94A Series It is the Dark Sandalwood

The one on the right is Edwina's and is part of the Delmar Series It is the Dark Sandalwood & Blue Carbon

JORD is giving you a chance to win a gift certificate to go towards your very own watch!!! 
RULES for the Giveaway are pretty easy! Giveaway winner will be announced January 1, 2016. Please get parent permission if you are under the age of 18. Good Luck!!
  1. All you have to do is a be a subscriber of our Youtube Channel ThriftersAnonymous HERE
  2. Enter the Giveaway using this link! and you are ENTERED!!!
You can show some love on Twitter @woodwatches_com @TAApprovedTweet !!! 

If you are not wanting to wait to win JORD has given us a 10% for all of you! Just complete this form and you will receive the discount code in an email!!! I think these would make such a great holiday gift...hopefully my dad and hubby don't read this cuz thats what they are getting! haha xoxo 

Thank you again to all of you!!! 

Here was a quick snapshot of the box it comes in!!! if you watch the video you can see the full, we will also be sharing more in upcoming videos!!!
This is just the beginning of #ThriftGiving as we have a lot of fun things planned for you guys!! so make sure you are following us on our new TWITTER @TAapprovedTweet, INSTAGRAM @TAapproved, and you can also find me on Facebook @ShanaEmily !!! xoxo



  1. Cute boots and sneakers :)
    Maria V.

  2. I love the cute booties Shana has on and the leggings Edwina is sporting! I love your wood watches and am so surprised at this giveaway. Love you girls!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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