Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Love at first sight...

Outfit Details
Plaid Blouse: Harper Trends TAAPPROVED at checkout for 25% off your next purchase
Boyfriend Jeggings: American Eagle (Similar HERE)
BCBG Heels: Ross (Similar HERE)
Gorjana Ali Studs: RocksBox (Get a free Month with CODE SHANABFF18)
Feather Lariat Necklace: Kyras Collection (Use CODE THANKS for 25% & FREE SHIPPING!)
Blue & Red Glasses: C/O  Firmoo
Tortoise Shell Glasses: I purchased from Firmoo

Hi friends! Happy Monday. I can't believe it is April. Somehow the last 3 months have somehow flown by and while some incredible things have happened I am left still trying to catch up. Spent the weekend with family for a birthday and feverishly working on my new re-design of my closet/boudoir! Got my workouts in, MealPrep, date night...and blogger projects! Had an incredible meeting last week for ThriftersAnonymous and find myself somewhat exhausted needing a weekend after my weekend. 

As you can see I got my new glasses in the mail and immediately ran outside to test them out and snap some shots! If you saw my post where I was trying to choose them HERE you would see I went with the casual tortoise and the blue and red! I am working on my review and that will go up FRIDAY! and there is a special Giveaway for all of you so stay tuned!!!  Until then... I AM loving that I have some options for glasses. I typically only wear them at night when I am driving...but I am feeling kinda fun in these that I might just have to add them in as an accessory. 

SO..thank you to all who helped me choose! My obsession is real...I might just have to get me a few more pairs....

You can check out my latest VLOG HERE:

It isn't too late to join the Transphormation Challenge!
JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

FOLLOW me on 
INSTAGRAM @ShanaEmily_
TWITTER: @shanaEmily
SNAPCHAT: @ShanaEmilySnaps
FACEBOOK: @shanaemily 


  1. All sounds exciting and yes the months have gone pretty quickly! Great oufit and your glasses look amazing :)

  2. Your new glasses look great on you!!!😊

  3. The red and blue ones are super cute, and they look great with your hair. The tortoise ones are a great everyday pair as well. Awesome choices girly!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I absolutely live this. I'd totally #letemhaveit TA style in these ☺️

    1. Hi Kristy!!!! Thank you so much!!! Yes they are awesome! If you want to enter the giveaway make sure you go to this post !!! xoxo


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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