Monday, August 29, 2016

#MotivationMonday| Moroccan Meal Prep, Getting out of the funk, & #Iam1stphormContest

Hi friends!

I thought I would blog a little on this beautiful Monday! I know. My VLOGS on Youtube are so behind and until I can hire an ACTUAL assistant for that well they will just be trickling in...I did however want to check in with you guys and share what I have been up to. FIRST things first I wanted to share a quick video thank you to London Mace for editing for me! +1st Phorm  was holding a contest for a free year of supplements and while that would be amazing...i really wanted to create a video to share what 1stphorm means to me...At first I was going to sit down and just talk about it...but then I realized...I WAS living it...These are clips from footage that well you haven't seen yet for the past few months but they are REAL...they are what I do every feelings and thoughts.and while I could have made a 1 hour video we had 1 minute to basically share why #IAM1stphorm.... I hope that you enjoy!

My Youtube Channel is
LINK to the VIDEO is :

Workouts have been ok but I must say I have had to spend most of my nights editing videos for our rally exciting news with ThriftersAnonmyous. Stay tuned for that very very soon!!

My current supplement stack which I get asked a lot about still includes:
M-Factor Goddess                             Full Mega
3 times a day                                     2 times a day

Alphacre HD                                                           Level 1
Pre workout                                                                  Meal Replacement

Phormula 1                                                              Bliss
Post workout                                                        once a day
Post Workout


 I am not sure I could ever go back to any other vitamins I know you guys have questions occasionally so please don't hesitate to ask or email me xoxo

Here is the link to pick up all of these and remember you can use my link for Free Shipping in the US... If you do order please shoot me an email would love to thank you and help in any way I can!!!

City Athletic Club has become my favorite place to get away..but the times I go are so random that I can't seem to plan anything anymore!!!

Someone drew me....I was completely taken aback and so beyond flattered....I had to share what an incredible artist she is!!
I have performed like 3 times with our Magical Madness Dance company which by the way WE NOW have a WEBSITE!!!! Please go check it out!

This was Downtown for a LIVE podcast and below was a rehearsal for the First annual Small Space Fest at the Emergency Arts!

I've continued to vlog eventhough you won't see it till like 2017 haha ugh...
 and working out...more working out..
Got my hair trimmed again and colored...and eventhough it may look brown in some pictures I have kept the red in for now!

My leg is still hurting so I plan on continuing to roll it out and see someone at City Athletic soon! haha 

This past weekend I called up my aunt and we decided we were going to cook a few recipes we have been talking about to test them out....
What you see here is 4 oz chicken breasts with a Moroccan species we created, 4 oz green beans, and 3 to 4 oz sweet potatoes! 

and here is something we are so excited to try! We made FALAFEL burgers and traditional style with turmeric zucchini couscous tahini and hummus with chopped Mediterranean spicy green olives! UGHHH can not wait to try this !

I will give an update on #TeamLEtEmHaveIT soon!!! Let me know if you like these updates! xoxo

JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

Follow me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_, Facebook ShanaEmily, & Youtube ShanaEmily, SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps 


1 comment

  1. Meal is important if you are doing your workout. Good nutritional food is always good for health. Because most of us are not taking correct meal. Meal must contain combination of proteins and lots of hydrate.


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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