Thursday, August 25, 2016

Wild ride in Vegas | 5D Cinema MaxDMaster| The Boulevard in Las Vegas

Hi friends! First off want to apologize as I had some issues with this here blog and basically lost ALL of my pictures! ALL of them. So I am slowly going through and updating if there is a post in particular please let me know and I will work in that order!!

Anyway on to more exciting news, Edwina and I are back with our Adventures at The Boulevard here in Las Vegas and we are having a blast! We recently went to experience our very first 5D movie and O M G. haha You can watch our experience below! Probably one of our favorite experiences yet!

As you can see we completely loved every single moment! I couldn't stop laughing both of us were even thinking what a fun date night! haha We had so much fun you feel as though you are literally in the movie! Water, Movement, it is amazing! The chairs outside are for real! 

This is the only 5D Movie Motion Experience in Las Vegas 2 Rides for under $15 with discounts on their facebook who needs to go to Magic Mountain! I wouldn't suggest eating before it as it is intense! We also enjoyed the one inside the theater that was more of a 3D experience we would recommend that one for kids! 

They have different rides with different time lengths so you choose!!5d 

We tried the End of the World inside the theater

and the roller coaster on the 2 simulators WHICH WAS AMAZING!!!

till next time! 


Shana & Edwina

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Love Always,

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