Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Cook with me & Unboxing New MealPrep Containers! | #MealPrepSunday | 30 Day Challenge

Hi friends! I am so excited to be back in the kitchen let me tell you! I have been so busy every weekend and have found little to no time to meal prep which has inevitably left me making poor choices and well skipping meals all together! We all know this is not a good thing....SOOOO I am back cooking up some of my favorite things! Here are just a few screen shots of me in the kitchen! If you want to watch my full meal prep you can find that video HERE:

I went to Sprouts this week for all of my groceries still one of my favorite places to shop but don't worry you can find all of these items at your local grocery store and change them up to fit your needs!  For my FULL Grocery list you can read this blog post HERE!

I love scallopini sliced chicken breasts, thin and easy to grill! I sprinkled some of my favorite seasoning from Israel! I will have to sit with my father to find out exactly what is in it but I am sure it is a mixture of things so I will see if I can get it so we can re create it!!

Love me some potatoes little white red, about two is a serving size for me and I just roasted them in the oven at 425 iuntill crispy! Spray with olive oil high heat and they are awesome I usually bake them for about 30 to 45 minutes checking on them frequently!

Never thought Brussel Sprouts would be a favorite of mine but follow this process and they are amazing!
I know when was the last time you saw me add salt to anything this is the only thing I do haha but it is just a small amount of kosher salt to taste!
I use garlic powder instead of fresh as it it will burn otherwise!
and fresh ground pepper! UGH soooo good! 425 bake and check on it a few times to toss around! 

This week I tried something new and made Teryaki bowls...and oh my goodness they were amazing and even more amazing cold which sometimes happens when you are in your car haha anyway I used cabbage which made for a great added veggie! Just blanch it like all of my other veggies!
I also picked up some Rockfish and Trout and seasoned them up with my Israeli seasoning as well! Bake on 375 for about 20 to 25 minutes!
and lastly some extra lean ground turkey! I just left this with no seasoning so that I could create different dishes for the week! Tacos, curry whatever I want! 

If you guys want to check out my grocery shopping video you can watch that HERE!

and now for the moment that changed my life.....haha insert dramatic music here! I was so excited about these meal prep containers I embarrassed myself in my video haha I had to shut off the camera and call my husband. When MiscHome reached out to me and asked if I would try these out I said sure I mean why not...but I had not ideas they had compartments and some of them were round! haha I know very dorky but as we all say sometimes it is the little things that get us excited! SO here they are!!

I received 4 different types that they offer!
20 32 oz MealPrep Containers
20 2 compartment containers

20 3 compartment containers
20 black round meal prep containers!

Immediately I thought! TERYAKI BOWLS! Like the ones i spend $7 to $10 on when I buy them at the restaurant!

They were so sturdy and thin enough to where I think they will fit in my 6 pack bag i will share that in my next video! 
I began to load them up with veggies and chicken and some of that Soy Vay Teryaki sauce and BAM!
My fish, brussels and potatoes!

As you can see I took a ton of pictures and pretty much just loved how they looked! haha So organized! I am excited to try these out! and more importantly RE-USE THEM! they are microwave safe and you can throw them in your dishwasher! BPA Free and FDA certified I am in love!!!

So even more exciting after I got them they sent me a DISCOUNT CODE FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!! 20% off the entire line of meal prep containers! and you can find them on AMAZON!! SO HERE ARE ALL OF THE DETAILS!

20% OFF Complete Line of Containers!


Follow them on Facebook: Follow them on Instagram:

Hope you enjoy! and let me know if you try them! See you in my next video!


  1. Great job on this meal prep. Aaaaaa yes it looks so delish! I also checked out your blog and very helpful for meal prepping. I have never thought of doing teriyaki bowls! I need to do that! You will do great these next 30 days and I'm excited to follow and try your time too! You are Wonder Woman!

  2. Food maintain your body. Good nutritional and vitamin food will help you to stay healthy and fit. A Part from this you can add best hgh supplement in your meal.

  3. ämä on erittäin hyvä vinkki erityisesti niille, jotka ovat vasta tulleet blogimaailmaan. Lyhyttä mutta erittäin tarkkaa tietoa...


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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