Friday, May 12, 2017

Shoulders are the new cleavage


Top: c/o Tobi( On Sale Now 30% off) , Jeggings: American Eagle, Heels: Ross, Earrings: Thrifted, 
Clutch: Thrifted, Watch: Jord, Lipstick: Lipsense BluRed ( have 2 available! email me if you would like to buy!) ,Vintage Broach: Etsy

Twice a week. Twice a week I blogged outfits & twice a week I am wearing white and these same jeggings I am obsessed with. I've already worn this lace halter from Tobi like 4 times and I just got it like 2 weeks ago. I have gotten more compliments than anything I've worn in months. I don't know if it is the white, the lace, the netting ( I LOVE anything with netting) or the fact that it fit me perfectly. There is something so sexy about white lace, I love that it is modest but showing what I work hard far...haha shoulders and delts are the new cleavage in case you were wondering. 

The sun is out yet here in Vegas and while my schedule has been a little nuts I am already happier I think it could also be the fact I have been consistently in the gym every day for 2 weeks now. It hasn't been easy but man does it feel good...focusing on my mind and how I am feeling lately and it makes such a difference! Anyway Happy Friday friends! I am so excited to see what my #TeamLetEmHaveIt is going to do! They are inspiring me so much & I am excited to share my journey! Until my next outfit post! 

New VIDEO is live on Thrifters Anonymous talking about juicing, healthy Macro Bars, the importance of a mulit vitamin and an inside scoop on 1stphorm & a new liptstick that literally doesn't budge! The one I am wearing above! 





  1. You look so beautiful as always. I agree that shoulders are the new cleavage. I am on the search to thrift an off-the shoulders top. Wish me luck.

  2. Hey! Looking beautiful. Want to buy the same outfit but in different color. I would like to buy the same outfit in pink color. To be honest I love pink color.

    melissa@dermology anti aging solution

  3. Very nice outfit. Fashion is important because it can make you more creative, it is important in culture and religion, and it makes you look and feel more professional.

  4. Looks speaks a lot about you apart from your outfit. We all agree with this. Good personality makes from good looks. And summers is all about new looks and with colorful clothes.

  5. I just loved your style. This is really a great way to wear white. Your heels are looking awesome. You must try tocarry designer clutch purse with this dress. You'll be look stunning.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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